With a twitch of the leg and the push of a button; Houston's boots emitted a massive amount of steam and he was sent headlong into the air.
Full Item Description
The Vapor Induction Emergency Evacuation Unit, also known as VIEEU Boots, resembles a pair of oversized leg braces. With six cylinders made to hold Steam Injectors; and two flexible tubes extending into one handle with a trigger and twistable knob, the VIEEU Boots are high-end fancy metallic footwear with both dangerous and beneficial features.
After Getherious Aetherwatt invented the Steam Injector there was a outbreak of inventions that used quick bursts of steam to great effect. The dread Gutbroiler was one, and these boots are another. Houston Goodfoot was lucky enough to test the first successful VIEEU Boots, created by Furthan Dazzle, and is widely known as The First Man to Fly on His Feet. Since the success quite a few other successful models have been made, but none as popular as the most recent six-cylinder VIEEU Boots D-Plus.
The six-cylinder D-Plus Model has a revolver action Steam Injector exchange system, so that use to six jumps may be made without replacing E.S.I.s and features a patented shock-absorber system to prevent broken legs upon impact. As well a a twistable knob to control the amount of steam released.
Older, more dangerous, models will prove to be cheaper but come at the cost of limited jumps and broken legs.
Any sort of steampunk at all from thaumatech to simple old-fashioned steamtech.
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? Responses (7)

Useful but dangerous for the unwary.

I like it. Short, sweet, utilitarian. With a touch of Piehness.
First Man to Fly on His Feet is gold.

Rocket boots are a natural outgrowth of the idea of steam propulsion. I am mostly recalling, however, the early experimentation scenes from Iron Man, which is making me laugh, and getting you an extra half point.

What Siren said. The six-shooter action of the injectors is also fun.

Yes - these are handy too. A bit brief, but the idea is documented well. The image alone is sweet.

I could of sworn I;d commented on this back in the day, fun device over all, and great for a melee specialist to close with the marksman types they run into in most steampunk settings.
It'd also be a cool piece of gear to uses in airship combat for boarding crews.