Every city of any size is comprised of a number of neighborhoods/ districts/ wards/ quarters. Each of these areas may its own purpose, but will have their own personality and look.
So we are looking for distinct parts of towns, ready to be pushed in a not-yet-complete town, possibly.
We are looking for things along the lines of
Ethnic/ Racial Neighborhoods
Areas dedicated to a craft or trade.
Undertowns (catacombs, subterrainian buildings)
Travel Paths: Is the area filled with canals, lots of bridges, etc.
Specific Streets (which serve as a mini neighborhood).
do not include neighborhood that are actually part of some other codex or are setting specific (i.e. could not be easily adapted to somewhere else).
Article Codex
Locations • Neighborhoods • Any
The wealthy landowners of Ardales began to grow personal gardens on their flat rooftops. The shade helped cool the buildings. The competition renewed among the aristocracy for the lushest garden. Over time, the increased population caused an increase in building density, especially in the city's heart.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Any
Nowhere else in the city would you find a place more tragically downtrodden.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Any
This section of the city shows the city's roots as a medieval/ primitive town. Surrounded by the original city walls, Old City is filled with heavy stone buildings. The buildings here are different from the rest of the city. They look like they were part of an ancient castle or fort, or built in the age when the city was on the frontier of civilization.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Any
Bounded by the Stones surrounding the district, 'Those of the Stones' bother no one. Unless someone is foolish enough to enter where no soul really belongs.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Any
Beacon's Hill is a two and a half century old downtown residential neighborhood situated directly north of the Common and the Public Garden.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Any
The Taymour district is tucked between two other distinct districts in the city. It is a transitional district. It is where the newly rich or noble (or the formerly rich and tarnished noble) tend to live. It is also a place with a deep history with the city.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Any
In the center of the plaza is The Bell. The large iron Bell is covered by a small slanted roof held up by four pillars. These pillars rest upon a square raised foundation. There are small stairs that lead up to the level of foundation. The foundation also has four strong iron loops towards the edges. If one does not know the two traditions, this arrangement makes no sense.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Any
The Calm Alley, and a few small insignificant streets nearby have always been calm, some would say boring. There are few people in those narrow passages, and no one looks into your eyes as you pass them...
Locations • Neighborhoods • Any
Somewhere towards the mountains, something subterranean occured. A while later and many miles away, the two large eastern quarters in the city change. The soil became damp for reasons beyond divination.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Any
The Great Library's name is still officially "The Cathedral of Knowledge" even after the Reformation. It sill dominates the quarter, even though things have changed so much.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Any
Dame Ellenius is more than a landmark, she is a person. Dame Ellenius has lived in this house for decades now. The story as for why varies, having passed into local legend, but all of the stories agree that it has something to do with a broken heart (lost love to duty, a bitter break up, a love lost to war/ trouble/ his wife). Given her genetic make up, she will be living in that home for a century or more. However, her home has become a neighborhood of sorts.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Any
The Arcade is a long narrow entertainment district built upon the dried up Arcadey creek. This jurisdictional no mans land has become a vibrant section of the city.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Any
The Artisans District is home to the large, half shell theatre the Lorantos Theatre. The theatre is named after Lorantos Trugeone, a famous bard who was invited to the city and never got around to leaving.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Any
The district gets its name by the good sized walls that are painted a bright blue that mark the magic district. That wall is watched by the Witchhunter guard.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Any
Once a place where the great merchants of the city met, this decrepit square has become a thriving marketplace for the poor and the unwanted. Many a shady deal has been made among its stalls and hidden recesses.
Locations • Area • Water
It was some sixty years ago, a great flood on the river caused a lot of damage. The baron ordered masive works to be undertaken, to widen the river's channel above its usual level. The 'over-channel' spreads a few hundred yards on both shores of the river. This was to be a sufficient safeguard against any flood.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Any
It began with buildings along the sunset road, the road to the west. This is the west most area of the city proper, all of it new growth beyond the existing city walls. Hence, they seem to be building into the sunset.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Plains
Horses and Livestock are brought in to civilization every day. Here is the where they arrive. What started as a slight convience has made The City prosperous.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Any
It is often a colorful part of the city, flags waving everywhere. The People there are always seeming to have a good time. They should, this faire like atmospher is their lively hood.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Any
The city has some great bridges, awsome works that span the large and gentle river that flows through the city. To prevent the river from overflowing, the river bed was dredged and the river sides were given steep deep banks. Decades after the project began, the city was safe from flooding.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Any
It seems like nothing more than Walls, Gates, and two long windy roads. The Walls are nearly taller than the city walls. The Gates, they are manned with real soldiers. You can't see what is going on here. They don't want you to see either.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Any
The Sweet Water district is where everyone wants to live. Everything is so peaceful, green, and calm. Children frolic in the streets and greens of the homes. The Blues, the district\'s special watch, make sures everyone is safe and happy.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Any
In more magical areas, not all the citizens are full sized and landwellers. In worlds where pixies, nixies, gnomes, lepracauns, faeries and other fey, batkin, catkins, and ratkins, all exist, there will often be Cotery Neighborhoods in the city.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Any
While travelling through an unfamiliar area of the city at night, it it easy for one to become quite lost. Though this is an upper-class residential neighbourhood just east of downtown, the streets wind, twist, and turn in upon themselves in a rather chaotic fashion.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Any
Tannhauser is a working class neighboorhood. No nobles will be found perusing it's small market square, or the few shops there. The wealthy and powerful have holdings and investments in Tannhauser, but few would be willing to be seen on those dank streets.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Any
Hy-Pointe or 'High Point' gets its name for being the highest point of the city. The Pointe is also the name of the signal tower (now in disrepair) that stood on the hill.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Any
The work is being done on the largest temple of Stryfe ever constructed. So massive is this project, that it could not have been placed within the city's walls without displacing a large portion of Gnopolis's inhabitants.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Any
Sky street (and the blocks around it) are odd. The shadows are darker. The air is damper. The mood is bleak and errie. The street is silent, all the noise muted somehow. However, you can always seem to hear someone crying.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Plains
Given the Calderonians (The Griffon riders of the floating city), the Lyran skyskips, the Dragon Confederation representives, and others, there is a great deal of flying around the region. Here is where they 'dock' in the city.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Any
When society keeps getting more cosmopolitan, cities of mixed racial makeup start to appear. Neighborhoods dedicated to specific races will occur.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Mountains
'It is a sight to behold: like a giant spider web - dozens upon dozens of rope bridges and lines are strung between the hills of the district. And the people. They move along these slender swaying lines as if they were walking down a boulevard.', The Journal of Mathius Redcap
Locations • Neighborhoods • Any
The Plaza of Tarnished Entertainments is a large, circular plaza, built in the formerly-affluent Saeppellion district of Hartacon, capitol of Mysia.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Plains
It seems odd to a number of travellers that several towns and cities along The Marches have small neighborhoods with the same name. "The Royal Majesty's Most Beautiful Road" linked all the various town and villages in the Marches. The road is not gone, but only these remnants remain.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Any
The City Fathers decided decades ago to build a Grand Temple. The Faiths gave their blessing. Taxes were raised. Land was purchased and dedicated. Supplies began to be procured. People poured in to do the work. The Broken Ground is the neighborhood around the construction site.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Any
The siege was bad, and with fire decimated a large part of a town. As life returned, several people returned to their roots and prospered.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Water
Old Town is anything but old and stuffy. Though the city is trying to be respectable, at its roots, it is as rough and tumble as they came in the day. You can see what the city was like 'in the day' by strolling Old Town by waterfront.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Water
If it was not for the city's stance on tradition (and prohibitively heavy taxes on the buying or selling of property outside one's family) these homes would of been abandoned or been a slum. However the founding trading families built homes here decades ago and have adapted in a fine fashion since then.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Any
In the western part of the city is a large neighborhood. It is this good sized old walled neighborhood that gives the city is reputation for education, wisdom, and enlightenement. It is called The Quadrangles by locals and those of high education.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Any
This little quarter of the city is a quiet one. It is where the 'other people' live, those who do not have enough numbers to 'take over' a given district in the city like The Orcen or The Chinese.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Any
'Build a road, wide and surrounded by beautiful architecture, to lead from Guilders' Court to the new palace,' the Regent commanded Master Thraso.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Any
Oh yes indeed, there was a circus here! Some hundred years ago.... or so the tale goes.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Any
"This is the place nobody wanted. We are the people nobody wanted. Nobody tells us what to do and we tell nobody what to do. Did you get that? Good. "
Locations • Neighborhoods • Any
The courier looked at the address again. It did not make any sense. There was no Skydistrict street in the southern part of the city, or any part of the city. He jumped a bit when he saw a winged figure fly over his head. His eye followed the figure up to the tall towers above the buildings. He had seen them over city the city. He thought they were decorations. He was wrong. Scratching his head, he wondered how he was going to get up there.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Plains
The Shield District is the old Orcen Mercenary Quarter. It is called the Shield District because Orcen always carried their shields. In terms of buildings, it looks the same as the rest of the town, perhaps a bit more run down. The signs are both in Orcen and the Local tongue. The only differences are The Pits.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Any
The Grey District was once a prosperous inner district in The Hill City of Frankard. It is an erriely silent place now, where people make little in the way of noise or light. It's district walls are now painted with a Grey Line, a warning as to plague. However, it is not the plague you would expect.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Any
Coastside Park—the ultimate haven away from urban chaos—was deeded to the people over one hundred years ago out of the prescient notion that the city folk would one day feel overcrowded. The city has spilled over three sets of defensive walls and is now reaching water to water on its hilly sandy peninsula. This foresight proved invaluable.
Locations • Neighborhoods • Plains
There has been a city on this site for centuries. Cultures/ societies have come and gone, but the city site remains as it is a crossroads. Those gone by have left their marks upon the city. The city has grown and fallen numerous times. The last time, it was nearly destroyed, yet a few pieces remain.
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? Responses (6)
Updated: Updated for last two lines.
This is huge. Lots of fun places to use.
This is too huge. I thought I had read them all, then you added 18 more. EEEEK! Will it stop?
How do you subscribe to threads so you know when posts are added?
Ok this is a LOAD of information. Why no one has voted on this yet is beyond me.
There is a lot of info here that I have not even begun to look through yet. but I will. I may even add a few ideas I put together for one of my cities that I broke down by districts. Neat idea Moon.
well Looking at the rules put in by Moon I can't link them here but I put them up in their own little codex.
wow, thats a lot of hoods, Moon! This deserves another vote or two to be sure! alas, I cannot for some reason do so (vote)
A very well filled out Codex. Definately needs more votes and attention.