The Sweet Water district is where everyone wants to live. Everything is so peaceful, green, and calm. Children frolic in the streets and greens of the homes. The Blues, the district\'s special watch, make sures everyone is safe and happy.

The city draws upon several wells dispersed across it. Each district has one. There is either a fountain or a well draw near the center of the district. One of these fountains is attached to a spring. It draws up \'sweet water\' (water which tastes really good and clean). It is a newer well, as these things go. This neighborhood is a good distance from the center of power (ruling nobles home, city center, etc) and established economic areas. It has become the home of new nobles (usually of a lesser status), richer merchants, and a few crafters who were lucky enough to get into the area before all the nobles and merchants.

The homes in this area are large and nice. They are simple in their design, not excessive and gaudy as was the fashion in decades/ centuries past. The area between the homes is almost park like, with discrete walls hidden by ivy and plants.

The area gives off a peaceful, country atmosphere, seperate from the hub and the bub of the city beyond its walls. Children of all types play freely here. (In fact several small poor children use slings to \'remove\' pigeons who might foul the Sweet Water fountain, and receive a bounty for each one).

The neighborhood is patrolled by Blue Guards, private city watch, hired by the people who live here. They keep this little piece of paradise safe. They maintain Order here. Everyone knows their place and what they should do. No one steps outside those carefully defined boundries. Woe be it to those who might cause trouble here. If the Blues even think you might be a problem, they deal with you severely. The Blues are also used to keep the servants in line, as they investigate \'missing things\' at the homes here. Some who steal are never seen again. Occasionally, they will even check the downstairs folks places, just to make sure and keep everyone honest. The Blues will also report any less reputable liasons to the neighborhood council, so this keeps affairs here to an absolute minimum. And the Blues are self policing. They caught one of their own \'exceeding his mandate\' and he was beaten and dragged quickly throught he area for all to see.

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