The Alley is one of those shadier areas of town; not that there were any thieves or swindlers (visible), it is quite safe here, and if you mind only your business, nobody will mind yours.

If you are an artist that likes to paint the human body (naked of course), you will be at home here. If opium or some subsitute is your passion, you will come here. If you are from a well-to-do family, and have a secret lover, there is an appartment waiting for you. If spies want to meet in privacy, this is the place.

No one has seen anything, no one remembers. Because if you would remember, someone could start to ask, why were you there at all? Whoever comes here, has something not for the public eyes.

The Calm Alleys hide many vices and many secrets. There are no laws here, except for one principle: Stay out of the attention of guards, and you won't have any problem. Some of the silent residents are surely thieves or killers, but take no work home; the local criminals understand a need for this quiet place. And as long nothing (visible) happens here, the guards leave it in peace.

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