The Holy Treasures

The Holy Treasures are invested in the High Lord of Terrasquestone and are only bestowed when they accept their position. At this time, they are granted the Inner Mysteries and the ancient lore of the Castle, and then allowed to pick. High Lords are always allowed two picks, and a rare few are granted a third choice. In the instances when a High Lord has been resurrected, they have been granted the option to take another treasure from the vault, or to change their selection since they are being readmitted as a High Lord. Another note, they do not have mouthy legendary names. When anyone in Terrasquestone mentions the Sword, there is only one sword they are talking about and it is The Sword. Some have attempted to tie the treasures to various High Lords, but this is actively discouraged by the council of lords.

1. The Sword, 

A symbol of the soldier, The Sword is a legendary blade of terrible power. The blade is a +5/+8 versus summoned monsters hand and a half sword, and so long as the blade is gripped firmly, the Lord bearing it gains +5 Strength, Legendary Resistance 3/day (ignore any saving check), and Legendary Magic Resistance. High Lords who have carried this blade have used it to overcome deadly adversaries and prove that there are few foes worthy to stand toe to toe with them.

The Sword is made of tarasceen steel, and the hilt is inlaid with terrasque bone. 

2. The Rod

A symbol of the bureaucrat, the Rod is a legendary scepter of tangible power. It can be used as a +3/+5 vs chaotic aligned creatures bludgeoning weapon, but it is more potent for its ability to Charm Person, Mass Charm Person, Charm Monster, Mass Charm Monster, and Instill Greater Order. A High Lord with the rod commands the vast manpower and resources of Terrasquestone with an almost mechanical aptitude.

The Rod is made of ivory and was carved from a single fang of the terrasque.

3. The Staff

The symbol of a wizard, The Staff is a legendary staff of stomach-churning potency. Its main power comes from its function as a conduit for magic power, allowing the bearer to tap into the essence of Terrasquestone and even the Gygaxian Gyre under it, giving them what would superficially look like unlimited magic and spells. Any spell cast with the aid of the Staff benefits from being Maximized and will have the ability to penetrate magic resistance. Other than this, the Staff is an acceptable melee weapon, but it only amplifies magic ability, it doesn't bestow any new spells or magic abilities. That is up to the Lord who picks up the Staff.

The Staff is made petrified wood and shod with tarasceen steel and beset with dungeon opals.

4. The Stole

The symbol of the peacemaker and the negotiator, the Stole is a length of ornate cloth worn over the shoulders. Its powers are many, but are all passive in nature. The wearer is rendered immune to being charmed, frightened, paralyzed, or poisoned. This has allowed High Lords to act with a great deal of impunity, not fearing of being influenced or assassinated by duplicitous means. They are also functionally rendered a magical beast and are immune to mundane damage, and cannot be harmed by non-magical weapons and abilities.

The stole is made of a mysterious cloth that is impervious to water, dust, blood, and damage. This mysterious cloth was created by a secret process that broke terrasque scales down into a fibrous material that was spun and woven together into the stole.

5. The Ring

The symbol of mastery, the Ring is a terrible weapon and wicked tool. It grants its wearer the Power of Command, which can be anything from controlling the weather to magical summonings, issuing binding oaths and geas to taking control of another magic user's ability to use magic, enslaving their power to the ringbearer.

The ring is forged of rose gold and according to legend, was quenched in the blood of the terrasque. It is set with a single strange gem that pulses and glows with its own light. 

6. The Miter

The symbol of wisdom and patience, the Miter allows the wearer to commune with the Spirit of the Dungeon, aka the Heart of the Stone, as well as limited abilities to speak with the dead, and the ability to cast a variety of white magics. Healing is easy, regeneration occurs in the vicinity of the miter when a High Lord wears it, and it can be used to banish disease, raise the dead, and destroy the undead.

Like the Stole, the Miter is made of terrasque scale cloth and woven with thread of paladin's gold and thread of rose gold.

7. The Crown

The Symbol of ruin, the Crown gives the wearer otherworldly power, opening their eyes to the forbidden lore and secrets of Terrasquestone and even glimpses of what the DungeonVerse is, and how it works. The Crown is part of the Dungeon and anywhere it goes, the power and potency of the dungeon core is connected to it, allowing the Core to extend its power through the High Lord wearing the Crown. It can dominate other dungeon cores through this, devour them, or take them completely over. It can also allow the Terrasque to be summoned away from the castle.

The Crown is made of an impossible alloy of dungeon gold and tarasceen steel, and is set with star emeralds, literally pieces of the clathrate that formed the core of the dungeon of Terrasquestone.

In the Vaults

There are other items that are not Holy Treasures and are not handed out when a Lord becomes a High Lord. The following is a list of magic items I've created that are suitable to find in the vaults, treasuries, and armories of Terrasquestone.

Vault Finds:

Cursed Relics of the Gjallermen, an evil tribe

A plate with a bound evil spirit

some random junk

some orc junk

A large collection of Holy Relics

A hag's divining cup

a large wardrobe

some old beds

A box of cigars, magically preserved

A collection of manuscripts

Treasury Finds:

A Golden Staff

A staff of light

A staff of flaming eagles

The Gauntlets Calya and Calwe, a set of jewel covered OP gloves.

Magical Panoplies, ornate costumes designed for women, with the components having magical attributes intended to be stacked.

Magical Rings, associated with the magical panoplies

Magical fingernail/caps associated with the panoplies

a black diamond locked in a strong box made of lead and gold

Armory Finds:

7 Ludicrous Magic Swords

Ancient Blade and similarly enchanted weapons, with Terrasquestone definitely favoring pole arms.

Black Iron Armor, a cursed suit of armor

Some swords

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