1. St. Kavil’s Breath.

Held inside an porcelain vessel shaped to resemble a bird, this fragile container holds the very breath of one St. Kavil. Known for several miracles during his lifetime, but none greater than when he leaped from the top of a two thousand foot high cliff, and didn’t fall, but walked on air across a deep and wide chasm, reaching the other side safely. A town sprang up on the site of his miracle, and to this day, the citizens of St. Kavil’s Leap live precariously between the cliffs, suspended on chains, ropes, pulleys and buckets, amidst empty swirling wind. It is said that before St. Kavil leaped that fateful day, he drew a deep breath, and exhaled inside a porcelain jug, stoppered it, and left it at sitting at the precipice, for his followers to eventually find. The jug’s current whereabouts are unknown, but it is further said, that if a man opens the jug to his face, and breathes deeply of St. Kavil’s breath, that he would levitate above the ground from that day on, until his dying one.

2. St. Selma's Rolling Pin

Originally a baker's tool for rolling dough (and for beating wayward husbands), St. Selma was in fact herself originally a baker, the best one for a hundred leagues in any direction. One day the fearless baker, fought back the tax-collector and his many mooks with only a rolling pin (and her fierce resolve). Shortly after this incident, the Many-Towns Union overthrow the yoke of the Evangian Empire for a final time. It was not long after the ensuing revolution, that Selma was granted Sainthood. The rolling pin was made the symbol of the peasant's movement, and adorned their early flags. A desperate search for St. Selma's original rolling pin (Selma had died by then of excessive flatulence, but the texts omit this ignoble fact) was taken up, and to this day the faithful search the lands for the weapon that overthrew an Empire.

3. Sulok's Skull

The skull, or more aptly, half-skull, (it is detached at the jaw), belonging to Sulok the Centaur, is currently under lock and key, inside the vaults of the Gray Cathedral, guarded by the priests of Kolisite the Healer. Sulok spent his short life traveling from village to thorpe, healing the sick and those suffering from the Striping Plague, of which there were many, during that age. Sulok's miracle was his very nature, as the Centaur was able to draw out any contagion from a sufferer, and absorb the sickness or plague into himself. For four years he did his divine work, selflessly, and somehow immune to the effects of all diseases and sicknesses. He was finally slain by a roving band of heathens from the west, who mistook the benign centaur for a mighty warrior astride a great war-steed. Beheaded, Sulok's head was grabbed, whisked away, and hidden by the villagers, until many months later when the priests of Kolisite came for it. And to this day they keep it. And it is said that Sulok's Skull still holds the power to heal.

4. The Icon of St. Mavril

The icon appears as a rectangular plaque, crafted of the finest darkwood and alder, adorned with small opals, garnets, and aquamarines. The wood is laminated with crushed Martyr Beetle paste, and inlaid with a polished sheet of onyx. Etched into the onyx is the famous and often depicted scene of St. Mavril slaying the Forty-Four Devils of Zoh on Mt. Serebus with his scythe. The upper part of the plaque features a life-like, elongated bearded face carved into the wood. This is St. Mavril. It is rumored (but not confirmed) that St. Mavril’s visage will open its wooden mouth and speak wisdoms into the ear of any devil-hunter, who carries the plaque into battle against those same infernal foes. Its whereabouts are currently unknown. Note: If a strap is attached to the back of the plaque, it is possible to use it as a small shield in battle.

5. St. Vulpin’s Pelt

St. Vulpin was a fox. Some say he was first a man, and then became a fox, to escape the Inquisitors who hunted him throughout his short life. The truth is actually stranger. St. Vulpin was indeed a man, one with a simple, trained pet fox always at his side, as he traveled the burgs and byways, preaching the Good Word. After the Inquisitors of Waod finally caught up to Vulpin, and stretched him on a rack until he died, his fox escaped into the wilds. Perhaps nothing more would ever be heard of Vulpin, if not for the periodical appearance of his fox, in times of trouble, at the edges of towns and villages. After many years, and countless anecdotal reports, concerning the ‘good-luck’ fox, it was only a matter of time, before someone suggested that Vulpin’s spirit had entered the fox upon his death, and that it is indeed St. Vulpin himself who now visited his erstwhile followers in fox-form. The Inquisitors of Waod were ruthless in their drive to eradicate all mention of the once-beloved Vulpin however, and soon, a fox-hunt began, lasting for weeks, until every fox of Deepwood was brought back as a pelt, and piled high in the town’s square, and lit aflame. It is whispered to this day, that during the Bonfire of Foxes, one particular pelt, “jumped” from the flames and turning back into a living fox as it hit the ground, escaped once more into the wilds. The pelt, or the fox as it were, was never seen again, but the devotees of St. Vulpin are still searching the wilds for signs of their red-furred saint.

6. The Relics of Saint Hazzel

Hazzel of Rutherfordshire was a somewhat disreputable woman in life, being a Poor Sister of Clythyme. She ministered to the poor and the downtrodden as the sisters were known to do, but she especially favored prostitutes and brothels that were on the lowest scale. Rumors surrounded her work there, that she moonlighted as a whore, or that she had once been a whore and was ministering to the women there because one might have been her daughter or that she was a lover of women. Eventually the rumor mongering came to a head when a local lord, tired of the benefits enjoyed by the sisterhood and it's roving nuns accused Hazzel of sexual sorcery and subterfuge, corrupting young women into labors of the loins and a few other things for good measure. Hazzel attempted to exonerate herself and prove that her works were done out of the Love of Clythyme and concern for the poor women that used and ignored. Rather than let Hazzel share her secrets learned from the whores of the township the Lord had Hazzel hung until dead. Her body was taken down and wrapped by the local Prostitutes guild. Over the years since then, Hazzel's mummified corpse has been parted out as various women have reported miraculous cures to their sicknesses and undesired pregnancies. The most famous of Hazzel's relics are her head, and her hands. The head is currently in the possession of a major prostitute's guild in a major city while one hand travels with a Poor Sister of Clythyme who visits brothels to encourage the working girls to join the faith while the other hand rests in a shrine to Hazzel and Clythyme.

7. The Censer of Saint Cales

Cales of Hilltop Hill was a hard man, unforgiving and almost cruel in his devotion to truth and the Gods. Cales was an investigator and inquisitor of the Faith and was tasked with seeking out heretics and blasphemers. Such was his devotion that on three separate instances that criminals or heretics attended his tomb to confess their sins and ask for atonement. This was seen as miraculous as two of the three men confessed knowing that the only atonement was death in the name of the Gods. A blacksmith was commissioned to craft a special censer, or burning incense holder, shaped in the likeness of one of the gods. While it was planned to be the likeness of the God of Truth and Duty but the blacksmith modeled the bronze face after Saint Cales. The metal was invested with a fingerbone from the dead man and it was later discovered that people breathing in the smoke that comes from the censer's mouth find their secrets and indiscretions crowding in their mouth all fighting to burst out.

8. The Box of the Blessed Infant

The Blessed Infant was born in a time of extreme hardship and suffering. The infant passed away, along with all of it's family. It was discovered that during the 'death march' from the highlands of Spilogale the various people who carried the body remained safe and healthy, even after they passed the bundle on to someone else. Each person who survived the 600 mile march from the blasted heaths was counted as a miracle in the name of the Blessed Infant. The body of the nameless child was placed in a silver infant sized casket and was enshrined in a new cathedral constructed to honor the gods and the infant. The casket is regularly carried around the region to rest for a week at each church and shrine. Locals swear on the Blessed Infant, or mention the nameless child as an intermediary in their prayers. Inside the silk lined silver casket there is a withered almost black corpse of an infant less than six months old. The body is typically adorned with precious jewels and necklaces of gold and silver.

9. Jawbone of Saint Dulac

Dulac was a holy warrior and long a foe of necromancers and the undead, smiting them with his holy spirit and his blessed morning star. Dulac was slain standing in defense of Skunktown when it was overrun by ghouls and ghasts. While he was slain and his blessed morning star was stolen and defiled his bitten and gnawed body was recovered when the city was retaken by the Army of Three Kings. Most of his body was wrapped in funeral linens and placed in a sacred crypt under a paladin's keep his broken jawbone went wandering. Several holy men carried the jawbone, wrapped and marked as a holy relic and found that it was greatly effective in turning the undead, causing weak undead to crumble to grave dust and powerful undead to cower in fear. The relic was found to even be effective against necromancers, ghost possessed victims and ghost blooded individuals.

10. A Lock of Pontiff Mancel's Hair

Mancel was a warrior poet who converted to the faith and rose to it's highest position of authority, the Supreme Pontiff. Mancel was famous for his skill with the sword and his ability to lead men in battle and was known as a warrior pontiff and for his long flowing hair. Several lockets exist, made of gold and glass with a lock of hair pressed between them. Mancel was sainted the day he died of old age, as his miracles were performed while he was alive, sacking and burning the necromancer's city of Zomosa, slaying the Liche-Queen Vale Valde, and returning Queen Agentia to life after she perished in child birth. Mancel's hair is considered a spiritual panacea, able to cure ailments of the soul, cowardice, and sadness of the spirit. It has been estimated that if every lock of Mancel's hair was real, he would have had more than five miles of hair.

11. The Many Foot-Bones of Saint Antagragio

Saint Antagragio’s foot-bones, fifty-seven tiny bones in all, are all each carefully laid out inside a small leaden casket, decorated with only a single painted calloused foot (presumably of the Saint), though the paint has long since faded. Throughout the Half-Century Wars, whenever a new Crusade would begin, the priests of Aqaz-the-Light would entrust the casket to the leader of said Crusade, in order to ensure the armies safe arrival on foreign soil. St. Antagragio, when he was alive, was considered the Patron Saint of travelers and those who had to walk great lengths to reach their destinations. His tale is a long one, but suffice it to say, that when St. Antagragio was brought in front of the Inquisitors for his non-canonical preaching, his punishment was such, that every bone in both his feet was smashed and shattered with hammers. The Walking Saint never walked again, but the faithful gathered his various foot bones, encased them in a casket, and now many years later, the foot-bones accompany crusaders on their endless march to the faraway Lands of the Enemy.

12. Shinbone Splinters of Warstreamer

Few animals receive any sort of veneration, but Warstreamer is among the first that come to mind. This gray warhorse served as the mount for three different paladins in the battle of Grell's Hook where the forces of Hellshanks the Bold were brought to bear against the ancient and near cumbling Grell's Hook Cathedral. The first paladin Otaric Whitemantle was slain by arrows, but Warstreamer returned with Otaric's body. The horse was ridden out in the great charge against Hellshank's main line and returned again with a deceased rider and many injuries. Warstreamer seemed immune to the pain of the injuries he had sustained. In the last ride of the battle Warstreamer carried Westan Ironhand, who would later become Lord Marshall of the Paladin's order. The events of that ride have been immortalized in dozens of songs and poems, Ironhand's Courage, The Ride of the Light, The Companions of Light and more. After the battle once Hellshanks was dead Warstreamer finally broke down. The horse had two broken legs and enough wounds to slay a team of horses. Warstreamer was lifted and carried from the field of battle while Ironhand wept. Splinters of bone have been passed around, claiming to have been pulled from Warstreamer's shattered legs, and many a horseman and knight have prayed to Warstreamer that their horse carry on with the resolve and courage.

13. Wyrgan's Shroud

Wyrgan was a rare member of the faith, a man of the Gods who also happened to be a bugbear. Fearsome in appearance and strong of arm, Wyrgan was a devout soul who spent his youth growing up in a monastery and then most of his adult life traveling among his own kin spreading the word of the Gods. Some seeds take time to grow and years after his death there are clans and tribes of Bugbears who have converted to worshiping the known gods of man rather than the primitive entities favored by other bugbears. These clans and tribes have become stronger as their new gods grant healing and prosperity rather than demanding blood and sacrifice. Wyrgan perished somewhere in the wilds of the hinterlands. The saint was wrapped in a bugbear shroud and is now passed as a relic from clan to clan, tribe to tribe. When a tribe group brings the body of the saint it is considered a sign of piece. Wyrgan is venerated as a saint of savage tribes, peace among enemies and understanding when languages aren't shared.

14. Hidlarcek's Atonement

Many relics are objects of veneration and worship, Hidlarcek's Atonement is a rare object of penitence and censuring. Hidlarcek was a vicious and evil man, prone to fits of madness, indiscriminate murder, and bouts of hatred that are truly hard to fathom. Hidlarcek aged and was concerned about the state of his soul, to the point that he was willing to undergo bizarre actions to ensure he did not go to Hell. The dictator sought out (imprisoned and tortured) various members of different faiths to find a path to spiritual redemption. He found an answer that he believed and to ensure his passage to Heaven Hidlarcek castrated himself in a bloody ritual to the Gods. The severed genitalia remained in his possession until his death by assassination some years later. The preserved piece of flesh was repeatedly pierced and made into a rosary type necklace that became an object a shame. If a man was deemed too proud or boastful he would be burdened with Hidlarcek's Atonement to be reminded of their excesses. More than one immodest woman has been burdened with the jewels of a madman.

15. King Pax Noino's Heart

King Pax Noino was the sort of leader that only exists in religious texts, pious in the extreme, humble and serving to even the meanest heart or poorest urchin. He was also, ironically, a warrior king who would charge into battle on foot in the front of the line of battle, slaughtering his foes with a glowing red axe and great red shield. King Pax Noino ruled for many years, wisely when needed, with violence when needed and his kingdom prospered (even if no one can agree where it was). But he had a persistent foe, Warlord Regus Atron and the two clashed several times, each time Regus was forced to retreat in cowering fear. Eventually Regus Atron fought Pax Niono to a standstill and the king was critically wounded, both in body and in spirit. Regus died quickly from his injuries and Pax Noino admitted on his deathbed that Regus had been his brother and he claimed that his mercy had been his greatest weakness and his greatest strength. He then died. A year later, a man appeared with a leathery lump of flesh in a box, claiming it to be Pax Niono's heart, and a holy relic of great power and divine mercy.

16. The Broken Hand and the Broken Sword

Iauro was a swordsman who devoted his sword and his victories to the Gods, and he made it his life's goal to defeat worthy foes and to train as many worthy warriors as he could. The Iauro school of swordplay remains a common form of swordsmanship in certain areas. Many foes were broken and vanquished by Iauro. So many were defeated that Iauro was tested by the divine, facing an avatar of the gods in a sword duel. He did win but was not arrogant or boastful and was blessed by the gods for his humility. He was then tested by the infernal forces who besieged him for six days while he laid waste around him with a sword that had turned to holy fire. He was confronted by one of the very lords of Hell and battled the demon god for several hours before he was defeated. No mortal man, even blessed by the gods, can stand long against the naked might of Hell. His sword was broken and his body was shattered and the Dark Lord reached to claim his soul but was accosted himself by a dozen celestial warriors who drove the demon back into Hell and rescued Iauro's soul. A relic appeared some time later, a blackened and charred hand and broken forearm clutching the haft of a shattered sword deformed by great heat and abuse. About two feet long, this grisly trophy is carried with great reverence and Iauro is venerated as a Warrior saint.

17. Saint Wulverfell's Fish-Bone of Plenty

St. Wulverfell of Wellas was a roving minstrel during his lifetime, a one-time monk, and some even whisper, a budding wizard. Few details are known of this historical figure, and as happens in such cases, a century after his death, the people of Wellas began to ascribe greater and greater qualities upon his persona, until that inevitable day, when he was posthumously raised to Sainthood. If smallfolk are to be believed, Wulverfell traveled from village to thorpe, playing his pipes, singing songs, and telling tales, uplifting the spirits of the downtrodden. Among the many mysterious objects and items which St. Wulverfell was known carry on his person, was a plain-looking salmon spine-bone. Whenever Wulverfell came upon the needy and the hungry, it is said he would take out his fish-bone, drop it into a kettle of water, and in a few seconds a whole fish, fleshy and tasty would emerge from the cooking pot. Once the fish was eaten and picked clean, Wulverfell would take the bone back, and so it went, when he appeared at the next village he would repeat his fish-feast for those in need. Now centuries later, the Fish-Bone of Plenty, is currently the property of a particularly loathsome goblin clan, who quickly figured out, upon finding the fish-bone, that they would never go hungry again, as long as they had a pot of boiling water available. Good luck getting the Fish-Bone of Plenty back from them!

18. St. Hallisayne’s Silver Bollocks

St. Hallisayne was an unusual saint, in that she lived most of her life as a man, and appears as such to this day on many icons and in shrines erected in her honor. The patron saint of gender equality, if you can believe such a thing, St. Hallisayne spent her days admonishing and fighting against deep-rooted patriarchal traditions, particularly the traditions of primogeniture, where only male heirs stood to inherit anything from a father. As can be deduced, St. Hallysaine was not popular in her day, and eventually she was captured, persecuted, and sexually mutilated by the powers that be. Later released, barely alive, St. Hallisayne withdrew to a cave to pray and contemplate, and when she emerged once more to the world, she did so as a woman. How this happened is for clerics and sages to debate, but let it be said, that from that day onward, St. Hallisayne was never heard from again, though undying rumors claimed she eventually became the queen of a faraway land, where men and women were seen as equals in all things. In the meantime, his/her followers “gathered” her mutilated bits. In secret a ceremony evoking St. Hallisayne’s name, the twin sacks of shriveled flesh were dropped into molten silver, and emerged as the Silver Bollocks of St. Hallisayne. Years later, almost every household in the Burgs, has a hanging set of silver balls hanging somewhere in the house, commemorating the brave, martyred saint. What became of the original pair, no one knows.

19. The Saintly Toad of Muckvale

One fine autumn day the Inquisition came to Muckvale, in order to harass, admonish, and otherwise terrorize the people, or “heathens” as the Inquisitors called the populace, into accepting the proper dogmas of the New Church. During one particularly cruel public execution, a strange event occurred, and the people of Muckvale have not stopped talking about it since. As an inquisitor prepared to permanently blind a poor villager with heated tongs, a toad dropped from the sky (from the roof really), and landed on the inquisitor's head. Momentarily discombobulated, the man lost his footing, and plummeted thirty feet down from the makeshift scaffold and gallows which had been constructed for this day's events. The inquisitor had cracked his neck and died. At that moment the murderous toad let out a mighty croak. Silence followed. Further inquisition and torture was suspended for that day, as the other inquisitors were taken aback and flummoxed. The next day the armies of a rebel-king arrived, to vanquish the inquisitors, and thereby brought salvation to Muckvale. The rest can be guessed. Today, no self-respecting family in Muckvale, or even the surrounding vales, is complete without a fat, pampered pet toad, in honor of the patron saint of well, damn good luck. The original amphibian still sits mummified in Muckvale's town hall, and for a copper piece, one can rub his casket for luck.

20. The Reliquary of Awu Marhanparda

Whereas reliquaries usually contain holy relics and secrets, the Reliquary of Awu Marhaparda is a relic in itself. Ages ago, there lived a hermit named Awu who went on to find his own cult which attracted many followers. Awu’s teachings and preachings are lost to time, but centuries after his death, a tomb was excavated wherein was found a peculiar vessel, the size and shape of a small chest or coffer. It radiated magic. Inside was found nothing, except two words etched into the surface. “Nothing Changes”. Priests of various faiths debated the meaning of these two words for many years thereafter, knowing the legends of Awu and his wondrous miracles. Finally the sages and priests agreed that Awu’s dogma must have been one of permanence and predestination and the cyclical, yet unyielding, nature of everything. They were wrong. What Awu really meant was that Nothing *can* change, as in, Nothing...can change into something. Esoterica aside, the reliquary was deposited inside a vault and forgotten, its magical properties still unknown. The reliquary of Awu can "make" magic items. If any object, the size of a human helmet or smaller, is placed inside the coffer's confines, the Reliquary begins the slow, laborious process of infusing that object with magic. Thus, a stoppered vial of water can be placed inside, and if taken out a few months later becomes a magical potion. Placing something akin to a dagger inside on the other hand, would take the reliquary a year or longer to infuse. The more unique and "permanent" the object, the more time it takes. The more time an object is held inside the confines of the Reliquary undisturbed, the more powerful it becomes. Alas, perhaps the true limitations and abilities of this wondrous reliquary will never be fully understood.

21. A Weathered Pink Dress

An unnamed woman wore this pink dress, an archaic style that favored empire waistlines and narrow profiles and a great profusion of buttons. It is said that she lived in a place of great poverty and oppression where filth and waste we more common than blades of grass. She cultivated a garden and gave away herbs and healing draughts to the poor and ill and was eventually deemed a threat to the leaders of that bleak city. She fostered hope among the hopeless and they took up arms against their leaders and city guard. Many died, and the girl in pink became a sort of leader among them, though she was only a healer and a gardener. She was slain when the city guards attacked her small house. They put most of the rebels to the sword and were going to hang her body as a sign against revolt but her corpse was gone leaving only her tattered and bloody dress behind. Rather than being a symbol of their power she became a saint and a martyr to the common folk and soon pink became a color associated with civil disobedience and the lords of the city eventually lost their control and their power. When a fire swept through most of the city, it wasn't rebuilt other than a few farming homes and a shrine to the girl in pink. Her shrine houses the bloody dress as well as written records of her deeds and her few words.

22. The Skulls of Saint Datta

Plague and famine do not care the age or gender of their victims, and both are proficient at the killing of children. The families of dead children were often too bereaved to accept the magnitude of what had happened and while it was easier to put the corpse of an adult on a corpse wagon they couldnt do the same with their children. Datta was a priest who knew that the number of concealed bodies were not just a danger in terms of disease and parasites, but that the souls of the children and infants were imperiled by their parent's grief. Datta would travel house to house, giving blessings and final rites to many children before taking their bodies away. Rather than taking them to the mass graves or the tombs he took them back to his temple where he prepared them for eternity. As their bodies decomposed he cleaned their skulls and would spend hours decorating the bones to tell the story of the child who never lived. Each skull bore their name and illustrations of things they loved or did. This act of devotion and piety earned Datta a special place in the community as he had a healing spirit that could heal the injuries that didn't bleed. Each of the dozens of skulls he illuminated are considered holy relics, though removing them from the shrine is considered a major taboo.

23. The One True Bronze Net

The Varridin Empire was known for a few things, ritual prostitution, unsurpassed armor design, and unique methods of execution. One of their most infamous death devices was a large bronze net suspended over a fire pit. The intention wasn't a quick burning death, but rather a slow excruciating death that could be made interesting by adding different things to the firepit such as things that smelled very bad as they burned to make the victim gag, or irritants to make the smoke as acrid as possible. Zis of Adnum was a holy man who spoke out against the excess of the Varridin sexual perversion, and quickly ended up in a bronze net while his cadre of followers were imprisoned, exiled or likewise executed. Zis admonished and sermonized on the evils of the Varridins and prophesized for three days. He eventually fell silent as smoke billowed thickly from the firepit and when the smoke cleared all that remained was a corroded and useless bronze net. Various pieces of the net were stolen by converted faithful and are now considered to be potent relics for prophecy and resisting pain and injury.

24. Cassamassa's Flying Spearhead

Saint Cassamassa was not the sort of man that would be expected to be a saint, or a hero. In life he was one of those black soulled men who had no compunctions about killing and other black arts. Cassamassa was eventually hired by a small group of paladins fighting against a powerful evil necromancer king, Quna White Hands of Gochica. White Hands had decimated several Paladinic orders and had destroyed a number of knightly orders and raised them as powerful undead warriors. Cassamassa destroyed most of these hell knights in hand to hand combat, using his flying spear technique to decapitate them or destroy their heads. This was above what he was hired to do, and eventually the master assassin was defeated. Cassamassa was unable to overcome a demon made of flames that White Hands summoned to save what was left of his hell knights. White Hands was destroyed that day, and it was agreed that this was because the necromancer had been denied his badly needed elite soldiers. Cassamassa was eventually sainted after several miraculous victories were attributed to prayers to him. The metal head of his spear remains, burned and heat damaged, and is no longer usable as a weapon. The relic is a powerful tool for morale and courage in the face in superior numbers or against inhuman foes.

25. Reliquary of Saint Kaltor

Kaltor Kaltarion of Icefall was a wolf of a man, with cold eyes and a keen nose. He was by no means a lycanthrope, but a man born and raised in the wilds who immigrated to the banal urbane city. There, he turned to being a hunter of evil men, accompanied at all times by his she wolf Tarna. He became a captain in the City Guard and his tenure was noted for it's quietude and peacefulness. Kaltor had several of his guards trained with wolf blooded dogs to patrol and apprehend criminals. Kaltor was also a pious man and half of the criminals he caught, especially the petty sort, were taken not to the gaol but to the church for both capital punishment and then assistance. More than one pick pocket or thief was publicly beaten and then delivered to the Cathedral of Winter's Respite, who would later be found working in a craft, or employed on a farm or shop. Kaltor eventually passed away and was buried. He was quickly canonized when three serial killers and murderers were captured by devout guards who prayed to Kaltor to guide them to the killers. His crypt was opened and several bones were removed to place in a public display. Tarna's lower jaw is also displayed in the case, giving rise to Kaltor in modern times being called Kaltor Wolf-Jaws.

26. White Wand of Wobenhat the Wily

Wobenhat was a strange figure in local history, a mage by profession and a collector of oddities and maker of unique acquaintances by habit. Where many mages often are disparaging of the works of the Clerics and their divine magics, Wobenhat was a supporter of the faith. He tithed, and many of his arcane magics were used to the benefit of the church. He was seldom one to actually go into the field but he had a knack for sending the heroes of the day just the right wondrous item that they needed. He claimed that these items were the works of his hands and mind, but the inspiration was divine. Wobenhat wouldn't have accepted sainthood if offered, as he was offered a position in the church and regularly refused saying he would take his place in the church when he passed away. On his 81st birthday he created his final magic item, a fairly normal looking wand of a pale white wood that contained among other things, the bones of one of his fingers. The mage severed and treated one of his own fingers while alive to create his own relic. The wand is a regular wizard's wand of surprising magical power. In the hands of a mage, the mage (if adhering to proper ethos) can exchange an arcane spell for a divine spell. In the hands of a cleric, the wand allows a similar function, swapping a clerical spell for an arcane spell. This isn't an automatic thing, but rather this conversion of magic is considered miraculous.

27. Saint Derveid's Bow-String

Some saints are pacifists and willing martyrs. Saint Derveid was a warrior through and through. With his longbow, which he claimed he found on a mountain top during a lightning storm, Derveid spent his days driving the forces of the Arch-Duke away from the hills and vales of his people, with a rag-tag army of peasants. Saint Derveid's bow was said to be able to shoot twice as long as any other bow, and twice as accurately. It was once said Saint Derveid took out an enemy duke's eye through the slit of his helm, from a thousand feet away, but when praised, Derveid replied, "Och, I was aiming for the other eye". And so it went, until Derveid was captured and killed. The Arch-Duke, (an eye-patch on his left eye) raised the hero's bow in a gesture of victory on the battlefield the next day, but as he did, the bow cracked and snapped, the string lanced into his face, and blinded his second good eye. The Blind Duke as he came to be known later, threw the broken weapon away in disgust, and rode back to his castle, and the rest is for history books. A hundred years later, the famous bow-string of Saint Derveid somehow ended up in the hands of Yakulo the Strangler, one of the most feared assassins the relasm had ever known. Sadly, to this day, Yakulo still uses the blessed string as his makeshift magical garrot. And so far, no one who ever had the bowstring squeezed around their neck, has lived to tell the tale.

28. The Sleeping Saint

For the last three hundred years the Sleeping Saint, his birth name now forgotten, has slept. Once, he was a renowned teacher and dispenser of wisdom, until one fine day, when he rose up in front of his eager students and announced, “It is time for me to sleep now. When I awaken, all the secrets of this world, and every other, will be known to me. I will share all that I have learned.” And with that, the Sleeping Saint lay down and closed his eyes, much to his students’ confusion, and has slept ever since, only a slow rhythmic breathing denoting he was still alive. Now, three hundred years later, the Sleeping Saint is on the move, his body being transported from the local shrine where he had been slumbering, to the capital. It is said that one of the King’s astrologers recently had a dream. In it, he told his king, he was warned of a “Great Awakening” which was about to occur, that would change the world forever. Curious and somewhat worried, the king immediately thought of the Sleeping Saint, who until this time, had been more of a local, rural curiosity. The King now waits for the Sleeper to arrive anxiously, convinced that he will soon wake, and share some great revelation with the king. The PCs are hired to transport the Sleeping Saint to the capital, a long journey fraught with danger, as the king is not the only one who wishes to get his hands on the Sleeping Saint. Many factions are in play.

29. The Living Limbs of Krathos

Saint Krathos was one of the most famous of Saints of the classic age. A man of powerful ideas and notions, Krathos was considered nearly a living demi-god in his day, with many thousands of followers and adherents. But like many saints since, and before him, eventually he was killed, as the powers that be feared his spreading influence. His neck and limbs were tied to horses, and Krathos was unceremoniously quartered. His body and bearded head were burned to ashes, but a strange thing happened to his limbs. Each arm and each leg, somehow animated after being torn off, untied themselves, and escaped. Aye, I would not have believed it either, if I had not witnessed the miracle myself that day. Nevertheless, so it happened. And the living limbs made their way to four corners of the world, and to this day, they are still being searched for. Unlike other saintly relics and bones, these can, and will attack any questers who happen upon them, and who were not, or are not, believers in the Path of Krathos. There has been one report recently of a band of tomb raiders, who were kicked incessantly and nearly to death, by a muscular, naked, detached human leg.

30. The Adherents of Voda-Phon-Rensu

A mysterious demonologist, and that rarity, an evil Saint, Voda-Phon Rensu was a true mystic, who practiced the foul arts, and who had an almost unexplainable power over his many followers. At one point in fact, Voda-Phon-Rensu was deemed to be the world’s greatest living sorcerer by his throng of slavering students. Demon summoning and human sacrifice were only two of Voda-Phon-Rensu’s vile practices, all done as he claimed in order to reach some new gnosis on earth. Eventually the good and the lawful caught up to Voda-Phon-Rensu and killed him, leaving his shriveled body hanging in an iron cage beside a well-travelled crossroad, to serve as an example to other would-be mystics. Eventually only a tiny, bent skeleton was left of the man, which still to this day, swings inside a creaky cage, suspended from a great oak. Most of his “adherents” as they came to be known, scattered to the winds, but a few of his faithful followers, chose to sit vigil beside the cage, waiting for the day when He would be reborn. After weeks and months, the adherents starved to death, beside their guru. But that was not the end, for the adherents were somehow infused with unlife. Their skeletons still lay about, beneath the cage at the crossroads, but if any living beings approach the cage, the adherents spring up, and attack. Their mode of attack is bizarre. They will simply attempt to touch their victims, and when they do, they immediately “stick” to any flesh or inanimate surface (armor) like glue. Nothing short of high sorcery can unglue an adherent once stuck. Once glued to some unfortunate soul, the adherents spout and blabber the wisdoms of Voda-Phon-Rensu, in some foul, ancient tongue, driving the host to madness.

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