1. Grandee Sword

The Grandee Sword is a metamorphic blade that starts as a standard one-handed longsword, with a basic level of enchantment. The longer a character carries the Grandee Sword and the more victories they claim with the weapon, the enchantment increases, and so does the size. At +1 it remains a longsword, +2 becomes a bastard sword, +3 becomes a two-handed sword, +4 becomes a large two-handed sword, and at +5 it functionally becomes a fantasy version of Cloud's Buster Sword and the character using it will have to have a high strength score to swing it. When the bearer of the sword is slain or they formally surrender the blade, it reverts to its original size and enchantment level.

2. The Hollow Blade

The Hollow Blade is a bastard sword that has a shape more akin to a large breaking knife (butcher's knife that has a longer tapered blade, rather than a cleaver shape) and has a decent magic bonus. Its real power is that it deals double damage against summoned, intangible, and magical creatures. If the swordmaster rolls a critical against a summoned monster, it makes a saving throw. If the creature fails, it is devoured by the sword and increases its magical power for the rest of the scene. This power stacks, so that it can quickly wipe out swarm summons, weak ghosts, and so forth.

3. Sword of Blasting

The Sword of Blasting is a grand brass handled great sword. When swung and commanded, the sword will release a thunderclap blast at its tip. The originator thought such a weapon would be brilliant for high-level duels in champion arenas, and fighting one-on-one with other demigod-level fighters. It is actually pretty good for this, with one very minor almost inconsequential side effect. The blasting ability hits the swordmaster as well, meaning most users generally get to swing and blast once with it before they and their targets are both turned to red mist.

4. The Blade of the Urchin

The Blade of the Urchin has an unusual scabbard, it is a child of indeterminate age and gender who becomes the follower of the swordmaster. When needed, the swordmaster must pull the blade from the body of the child, and the manner of this will change from master to master, and can range from the urchin just presenting the blade from nowhere, to the master jamming their hand into the child's mouth and drawing the blade out, leaving the child to crumple bonelessly to the ground. The blade is of moderate power and can grow with the master the longer they carry it, as can their relationship with the urchin itself.

5. Malwi'fuinar

Also known as the Blade of the Shadow Moth, this is a relatively modest magical blade made in the Elfin fashion and is crafted of silversteel, mythril, or a suitable magical metal. The great power of the blade is that a magic user can channel magic through the blade and activate its special ability, to turn the swordmaster into a cloud of moths, allowing them to functionally evade combat, and shadowstep up to a hundred feet though open terrain.

6. Sword of the Minotaur

By drawing and activating the power of this blade, the swordmaster has a number of beneficial magical boosts to their abilities. Strength is increased, stamina is increased, and they gain an increased range on basic charge attacks. This also includes an increase on their critical range, turning them into quite the combat monster. The downside is that when activated, the swordmaster functionally becomes an NPC, unaware of their actions, or the consequences. When empowered, the Minotaur swordsman will attack the closest active opponent, unless there is a more flamboyant target aka the proverbial red cape. They will not act in a tactical manner and will not go after ranged fighters, magic users, or wounded foes. The bull charges his strongest foe, his most provocative foe, and full of his rage, has a really good chance of not recognizing who is friend or foe.

7. The Sword of Submission

The Sword of Submission is a frightening weapon. Its most basic abilities are modest magical bonus to hit and damage, and its lordly appearance. When drawn and presented by a master of noble blood it can produce a Fear effect, but rather than flee, weak-willed, and low level opponents are overcome with awe, and cannot fight, face, or even look upon the swordmaster. If born by one of royal blood, the level rises from 4 to 6 for forcing submission. These powers increase when rather than just blood, a ranked character uses them. A royal blooded and crowned King can likely draw the sword and wave it about in a lordly manner, and the level of the power of the submission effect to the upper teens, so that only lv 18+ monsters and characters dont kneel in awe of the one and true king.

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