eXtreme Makeover - Necromancer Edition
...And then the evil necromancer killed everyone and made them into zombies to do really evil things. I mean really evil, kicking puppies, eating kittens and making lewd sexual gestures at unsuspecting shoppers at Wal-Mart. Yeah and he had a severed head for a hat and was eating a sandwich made out of real lady-fingers...
Give me a break.
Anyone else tired of this? I know I am. The Necromancer, this poor guy has born the brunt of fantasy villany for Lord knows how long. Untold numbers of places have been ruined by his passage, or heaven forbid his eating lunch there once. Legions of heroes have sprung up to slay him and his armies of undead. Where did all of the undead come from, did no one notice him stealing all of the corpses from the graveyard?
In truth, this magnitude of evil is rarely, if ever reached. The typical fantasy Necromancer exists on a world altering level of evil equivalent to Adolf Hitler. Anyone who espouses such malevolence is invariably a demon, or a human who acts like a demon and looses quite a bit of credibility. In its own way, the Necromancer has been ritually abused just like the elf, the dwarf and the orc.
you know what that means don't you?
I know some of you do, some fingers are already itching to give their ideas.
Time for an eXtreme makeover: Necromancer Edition
Um, the previous post was made by me, that is, Dream. Not a Barbarian Horde. Well, maybe Barbarian, but only one guy.
I have enormous trouble logging into Strolen's new website... I have to log in several times to get it to 'take'. Sorry.
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? Responses (9)
While it's not exactly high literary art, a good reference book for an entire /society/ based on necromancy is Fire Sea, of Weis & Hickman's Death Gate Cycle. The undead are used for a source of slave labor, to stave off the final death of a dying world, at a rather gruesome cost: to reanimate the dead causes someone, somewhere, to die.
Another oft forgotten 'necromancer': Herr Doktor Frankenstein. (That's Frahnk-en-steen!)
Other 'literary' Necromancy gone horribly wrong: The Anime/Manga series Full Metal Alchemist begins with a forbidden necromantic ritual.
You need to build some people from this organization.
So they can be linked back.
He's stew, I'm going to be talking with someone over him. ;)
So who is doing the next one of these. They are so much fun.
Hey my vote didn't tally. So there. We post again.
This is one of the threads I like a lot.
Good collection - added my most unnoticed sub ever - she _is_ a type of necromancer...