An unassuming man, Norbert stands a few inches below the average height, but not enough to 'stand out' from the crowd. His hair is unkempt and shaggy brown. His eyes have a piercing quality that usually reminds men of a hungry weasel and makes women look over their shoulder to make sure he isnt following them. Sometimes he is. He walks with a slouch, wears tattered clothing that was once courtier quality but eschews the traditional black robes of his art. He is often accompanied by a robust chemical smell and his hands are dirty, with blood or other bodily humours dried under his fingernails.

Norbert wasn't the most popular of students at the Academy. In fact, he was one of the most popular to abuse, blame, or antagonize with a summoned imp. All of this paled to Norbert, what truly injured him was the casual indifference of Nefertina, the aspiring sorceress. She was the world to the mediocre magician, and for her he began to press harder into his work.

It was to no avail, Nefertina was not impressed by the improvement in his Transfiguration marks, nor in the drastic improvement in his Potions creation. his love potion was a failure, having been hexed from the begining by a rival student's summoned imp. Distraught, he thought of angst ridden suicide, of his own worthlessness. Then something was whispered in his ear.

'Dead men tell no tales, and dead women never say no.'

Who whispered this, Norbert doesnt know. It could have been a lurking imp, or his own subconscious. It was pointless to wonder. The path was clear. He delved into the forbidden arts as fast as he could, at first under the pretense of dispelling them, and then growing into morbid fascination.

his private studies removed him from the school, he barely noticed. He had gained the power over death. He could make a corpse rise and move of it's own limited volition. The aspiring necromancer lost his viginity to the corpse of Nefertina, then the no longer aspiring sorceress but the somewhat successful Sorceress and brewer of potions.

Soon, Norbert added other women to his harem of undead brides. Dead women never say no, and Norbert was no longer bothered by the fact tht the embrace of his lovers was cold, and rigid.

Special Equipment
Norbert has a signifigant collection of paraphenalia revolving around necromancy, specifically the sub-art of Sarcomancy. This art deals with the reanimation of dead flesh, zombies and such. Considering Norbert's rather obsessive nature, he also has a large collection of women's things. Clothing that has been worn, half bottles of perfume, anything that is personal could easily...and disturbingly be found in his possession.

As for magic items and spells and such, Norbert should have enough to keep him on par with the PC's but not much of a threat alone. His real power comes from the host of ambulatory corpses he keeps in his laboratory and home. These should prove to be a good challenge for the PC's, especially if they are male and like a pretty face.

Roleplaying Notes
Norbert is a creep. He is a shuffling mouth-breather who never got over rejection during his school years and his impetus to delve into the arts was driven by this obsession. Norbert is overly intense, focusing on one thing at a time, while in person, he is very much a slob.

Plot Hooks
Damsel in distress - A local lady of good repute has been shadowed by an unknown assailant. Several times he has been driven of, but remains uncaptured. Can the PCs catch the cagey necromancer? Will they connect him with the disappearance of several local girls known for their good looks?

Lady of the Night - The PCs encounter one of Norberts Brothel Zombies, surely an odd encounter with a well dressed, prefumed and make-uped zombie. Do they investigate where the wayward corpse wandered from, or do they roll their eyes and cross the street?

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