Simeon is an unkempt man, his blonde hair is greasy looking and clings together in long matted plaits. He favors a long dark coat, and fashions himself to be a gentile man by wearing a twenty-year out of date hat. Pale as a ghost, Simeon seldom sees the light of day, preferring to do his work at night, away from visitors and prying eyes.

Simeon's father was a grave-digger, like his father before him, and so on. It was only natural that Simeon take up the family trade, cleaning up the bodies, making sure they were good enough to look at for the funerals. He, like his father and father before, made sure that the dead were unburdoned of those things that the dead dont need. Jewelry, finery, and anything worth a silver or two found its way into his pocket.

Simeon is not a clean man, much like Norbert the Creepy Simeon has had his way with the better looking women who have come across his slab. This was how he managed to go from being the gravedigger in the township to sitting on the town council.

Murder she Wrote
Lord Westmore of the Township had a penchant for buggery and on occassion knocked his mistress off. Seeing that dead whores would be bad for his image as a righteous and upstanding noble, he would find places to dispose of them. It was Simeon who would find them later, but in his time with the dead, he had learned a bit of what it took to kill people. He realized that these women had been murdered, and he instictively knew by who. A little blackmail and coercion later, Simeon was set.

By no means a noble, he has a house that doesnt leak in the rain, and can wear out of date and dirty fashionable clothes rather than rags. He has a seat on the township council and is has to rights and privelages that go with it. He recieves a yearly stipend from the tax coffers, and can arbitrate disputes of lower nature. He does this rarely since few people want his sort of attention.

Roleplaying Notes
Simeon rubs his hands together frequently, and licks his lips. Due to poor nutrition growing up, he is gaunt and missing a few teeth. He is also a toucher, and will touch anything, sometimes in personal manner. Not saying he is a crotch grabber, but he has not compuction about touching someones face while talking to them. He is unsettling and radiates unwholesomeness. He also is not evil per se. He isnt malicious, just opportunistic. If given a choice between good and evil, he will generally take the former.

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