These are 'Troll Gloves'. They look like the hands of a troll, claws intact. And in fact, that is exactly what they are.

I can give the history to them from my world, and you can use that or create your own. Perhaps this is their origion, and Gus later lost them, sold them, or passed them on..

Sigrin was a strongheart halfling of great ambition. He absorbed every grain of knowledge he could come across, especially that involving magic. His travels eventually led him to Ashmore, where he sought apprenticeship with the Shadowsil. Instead, though, he was sent on a quest with a party of strangers that was basically a fetching errand. Willing to do anything to work with such a powerful wizard, Sigrin ground his teeth and went as instructed. Unfortunately, things did not go as planned, and Sigrin did not get his apprenticeship.

So, he decided to continue traveling with those who were once strangers, but quickly becoming friends. His travels eventually led him to the creation of these gloves. They were on a quest to clear out some swamp trolls. There was a monk in the party, Gus, and he was not fairing very well in combat. After a particulary fierce battle, as the party contemplated their next move, Sigrin studied the body of the troll they had just slain. In a burst of inspiration, he saw a way to help Gus. He quickly set to work, cutting off the trolls hands. Using what magic he could, he enchanted them to give the wearer some of the benefits of trolls. It took much of his energy, and the party had to hide in the swamps two days, waiting for his recovery. It was worth it, though, as the gloves later made the difference between a troll's life, or that of Gus.

When I created them for my player, he was still at a rather low level, so the properties are not that great. But this can easily be altered to suit someone of a higher level.

Bonus Damage: 1d8 Slashing damage (That is just minor slashing damage for those of you who do not play D&D :))
Regeneration: 1 hit point per round (A small amount of heath given back each turn)
Penalty: -1 to Charisma (The player will lose a slight amount of charm, and be slightly less likeable.)

These can easily be altered in many ways. The damage can be made lesser or greater, it can enhance strength, etc, etc. The only important thing, I think, is to keep at least one point of regeneration and the charisma Penalty. Those properties are what make them Trollish.

If you like this, check out my Troll Belt for mages...*wicked grin*

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