“ A demon who isn't some hideous creature bent on consuming souls, bu is, in fact, a likable chap who enjoys having pleasant chats with people - trying to talk them into becoming his servants.”
“ When someone befriends an animal, s/he obtains the ability to unite their souls together and take on the form of that animal as well as its abilities. S/he also gain some properties of that animal even when they are no keener t transformed, such as resistence to cold or senses. If s/he really wants to s/he can half transforms taking on characteristics of the animal and their normal form”
“ 'Look, lad! You see the streak of glowing green off the larboard bow? Them's the bright waters!'
While the lad peered intently at the eerie glow, the old salt continued. 'Entire ships have been lost to the Bright, lad, for once you let it surround you, you'll never touch land again!'”