The Staff: Five and a half feet tall, One to two inches in diameter, made of an unidentifiable wood (Rumored to actually be petrified rope of some sort).

The Story: The concept for this staff came from the mind of a long forgotten Bard who had need for such an item, the Bard did not have the powwer to create it himself so he went to the nearest Sorcerer and they worked together on it for months until it was perfected. The staffs are now nothing special, except for the one The Mighty Staff of Rope (The original staff).

The Magic:

Magical Properties:

> Staff of Rope Command:

+ Wielder can command all ropes in a 30ft radius to do as he/she wills them (Duration: 10 minutes).
+ Once a day the staff can turn into a rope of anywhere between 5 and 100 feet long for up to a hour.

> The Mighty Staff of Rope: (in addition to the Staff of Rope Command's abilities)

+ Can create rope (up to 100ft per use) three times a day.
+ Can Petrify any rope within 10ft for 5 minutes.
+ Can destroy (completely) any rope within 10 ft. three times a day.
+ Wielder does not need to make a check to tie a knot, and any knot they tie is perfect.

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