Full Description
The Jewel-of-the-Mire is a floating water-flower, that drifts in great mats in the rivers, swamps, and bogs of the Empire. The Jewel-of-the-Mire is similar to the water-lily, even to the point of looking similar, however, the Jewel-of-the-Mire comes in a variety of brilliant colors, ranging from deep indigo to pearly white to blood red. In some places, Jewel-of-the-Mire mats can completely cover the surface of the water, giving the appearance of a great meadow of flowers.

It is, however, at night that the Jewel-of-the-Mire shows its true beauty. During the moonlight hours, the Jewels seem to take on the Moon's watery luminescence, glowing and releasing slow beads of light (in actuality clumps of the plant's pollen) into the water below.

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