Fontis Stone
This stone is given to people of elven blood by a sibling usually before an important journey
a small smooth blue stone that glows gently but give off no light, seems fluid and is cold to the touch. It is a size that fits comfortably into the palm of any medium sized humanoid's hand.
Given by a member of the family to somebody of elven blood before a journey or pilgrimage, the Fontis Stone was forged to prevent horrible death to a child of the forest by dehydration.
When simply in contact with the skin, the stone will quickly begin to perspire, when the phrase is spoken (the phrase is unique to each stone and spoken in elvish tongue) water seems to pour out of the stone, easily filling the glass. The owner of the stone can controll the speed that water flows from the stone, by the speed at which the phrase is spoken. It is very important to whom has recieved it, not only for it's practical use but also for the honor that comes with this item being gifted. Some are handed down through families, and others are crafted specifically with one user in mind. Returning from a journey without the Fontis Stone either by losing it, giving it away, or allowing it to be stolen, is a great shame to your soul.
Magical Properties:
when held in the hand of somebody of elven blood it perspires, when the phrase is spoken softly it can create up to one gallon of water at a time
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? Responses (14)
A nice basic item. Rather than an epic one of a kind item, it is something that would populate the background of a campaign. I happen to favor that kind of entry.
I agree with Moonhunter, this is a well done basic item. Not every object of enchantment can be a world shaking epic item of magical power.
I like it, simple yet not so complex.
thank you, I created it for my character in the Eru'tan thread but sadly that died out so I never really got to use it, I just mentioned it once in awhile.
4/5. Nice,simple.Not one of those stupid uber-powerful items and very good for desert travel.If it had a better backstory I would have given it 5/5.I saw (at the time that I wrote a review of this) that you were a newbie,and expected something bad! But I got a lovely surprise instead.Thank you for joining Strolen and writing this item.
Couldn't agree more - a good solid everyday item that could conceivably exist, and indeed almost certainly would in or around desert areas
As Cheka Man suggested it would benefit from a slightly more detailed back-story
Nonetheless a solid 4/5
Keep up the good work
this is an example of something I dont particularly need a 'back story' on. Wonderfully simple yet imaginative item!
*squeeze* *squeeze* 'why water rock not work for Jom-Jom?'
It is true that this is a simple item that does not need a backstory but that does not stop it from being a great item!
I concur with Scras and Muro. This is a simple but still useful and well done basic item. Post more Andimia!
Not bad - could use a little polish (capitalization is needed on a few sentences..) and of course a large backstory would be nice. All in all a straightfoward sub.
Nice and handy, a priceless item for sea or desert based campaigns.
Very nice concept; the elvish flavor comes through.
Nice, creative idea. As has been already stated, not everything needs to be epic.
Very nice item, but just on thing bugs me 'glows but gives off no light'.
Other than that verbal fender bender this is a nice one. These things make nice flavor and set a tone for world and people. You know a
'The work of the people is seen not in the pyramids but in the pottery shards'
take on culture.
Plus, I could certainly see some 'Pasta Pot' type disasters springing from these stones were a player or gm in a puckish mood.