Dog Pods
A plant named for its gords, both in the smell of wet dog and for their roughly dog like appearance.
Full Description
Dogpod is a low growing species of gourd which is related to squash and pumpkin. From a tough, thick central stock, there grow twisting, leafy vines which sprawl in a wide circle around the center. From these vines grow it's name sake, the dogpods.
Dogpods are instantly recognizable. They are about the size of a human head, and for all the world resemble a fibrous, warty, orange-yellow dog curled up to sleep. Though most will tell you that they taste awful, some cultures (generally those who also eat dogs or do not know of dogs) roast and eat dogpod as a staple.
Additional Information
In the early summer, dogpod vines burst out in riots of large pink flowers which smell of wet dog.
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? Responses (7)
ew, just ew.
Where do you take it from CP? Can I sign up for whatever inspiration source you have?
This is of course WAY too short and WAY too undetailed, but it is fascinating nonetheless!
short yes, but a vivid picture.
Yuck, but yuck in a good way.
There is a plant called the Buffalo Gourd that grows in the southwest. During times of plenty, the native indian tribes would use the gourd to make soap, and when times were lean they would eat it. This is what the dog pod reminded me of.
Short, maybe, but something with this vivid a picture doesn't *need* a lot of detail.
Interesting little sub.