Underworld Dreams
A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world
Oscar Wilde
The underworld is an ever present phenomenon. I do not refer to the metaphorical realm of the dead, or the hidden milieu in which the vampires and the werewolves play out their terrible battles. I speak of the layer of society that lurks beneath the facade of law abiding citizens, that dark and visceral realm of the rogue, the criminal, the street thug and the murderer.
This submission serves as a hub for general thiefdom and roguery. Share ideas, links, so on and so forth. More material to be forthcoming.
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? Responses (3)
Philosophically speaking, crime is a rarely welcome, but natural supplement to an organized society. Where there is law, there is crime as well, and it cannot...
Hey, where's my purse!
(Psst, the Rogue freetext is so much more popular than Thief. Why not change to the good stuff, my friend? And I can offer you the best price on the market... so what do you say?)
Good collection of Scallywags and such!
Perhaps a region is in order here.