The mangroves are widely distributed throughout the tropics and the warmer ends of moderate climes, growing in areas of salt water, such as tidal shores and marshes. The Torren Mangrove grow in areas where 'dark forces' have been known to inhabit.

The many arching aerial roots make dense tangles that stabilize the surrounding soil, prop the tree, and assist in absorbing water and minerals. The Torren Mangrove draws up liquids and salts from the water into its longish leaves. There, the liquid seems to 'evaporate', leaving behind salt crystals. These crystals protect the plant from animal predation and 'negative' vibrations. So while other plants may wilt and decay under dark influences, the Torren Mangrove will thrive.

In addition to being a salt source and a purifier of evil energies, Mangrove bark is an important source of tannin, used in tanning, dyeing, making ink, and medicine.

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Information on plants for given environments

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