
Tonberry Tower is a fairly ordinary stone tower made of the commonly available orange metaquartzite (an orange metamorphic stone suitable for construction) with a limited amount of ornamentation. It has ten floors that house apartment units, a central spiral staircase, and an open garden top roof, and the ground floor is a commercial area.

The Shoppes at Tonberry

Tonberry, Dyngleberry, and Pug Tailors are fine clothing outfitters that cater to fashion and are suitable for guildsmen, academicians, actors, and the like. It has a stuffy sort of pretentiousness that the tower residents seem to enjoy.

The Gilgamesh Coffee Company - the largest commercial installation, the Gilgamesh Coffee Company is a coffee house that does a small trade in small meals and snacks. It is also a city-level provisioning company, and the shop owner, Gildan Gamesherian, handles a good deal of commodity trading. Behind the main counter where attractive young people pour coffee and hand out muffins, there is a good-sized kitchen (room service for the tower) and an office that looks more like a CIC than coffee monger's desk. The coffee company hosts 'knife fight nights' where different chefs will battle each other in cooking, and if tempers flare to hot, knife action. The trade desk manages its commodities activities with the actual trade houses and merchant guilds with a number of messenger boys (and a few girls).

Centra Chalice and Goblet - the tavern of the tower, CCG does a steady business selling wine more than anything else and catering to a higher level clientele than the average adventurer's tavern.

Soap, Scullery, and Salutation - Tonberry Tower's maintenance and service office, this shop does small trade in soap, shampoo and other toiletries and operates somewhere between the hotel housekeeping center and a Bed, Bath, and Beyond.

Tonberry Hall

Attached to the rear of Tonberry Tower, the Hall is used for social occasions, holiday observances, disaster relief, and the annual Tonberry Gala. It has reinforced walls, a crenelated top that doubles as a second outdoor ballroom, and room for as many as 250 guests to attend their formal events.


Ossuem Provost Lord Rothchilde Gjellar

Guildmaster Adjutant Trikerion 'Trike' Casketson

Merchant Guild Adjutant Rixitepel "Rixi" Verdanis

Appearance - a highly attractive human woman with shoulder-length hair, always on the cutting edge of Tarasceen fashion.

Portrayal - A high-energy, high-impact woman, Rixi is an agent for the Greater Tarasceen Mercantile Guild with an emphasis on textiles, clothing, dyes, perfumes, makeup, and accessories. She is always busy busy busy, a cup of coffee in one hand and a ledger in the other. Frequents Gilgamesh and the Chalice. Professional bachelorette, and a devotee of the Tea.

Hook - Rixi is a bustling busy woman and her stock and trade is fabric, especially rare and hard to acquire fabric. She can generally come up with fetch quests, caravan guard quests, or escort quests as she needs to travel to another city to inspect and then place massive orders for all sorts of fabric, materials, and other fashion goods that might make the players' heads spin. Perfumes are some of the most expensive things outside of magic items in the realm.

Hosteller Guildmaster Mariaca Eagrose

Appearance - an annoyed and demanding perfectionist of a woman, with dark hair, piercing eyes, and a face made for scowling.

Portrayal - The Taverners, Inn, and Hostellers Guild oversees the restaurants, public kitchens, and public houses of the city, and Mariaca happens to be the head of one of the more prestigious tavern restaurants. In this role, she is a kitchen tyrant and the bane of many a cook and scullery maid's life.

Hook - One of the things about being a prestigious chef is that she is invited or hired to cater exclusive events, and there is nothing more impressive for one of these events than to put something on the banquet table no noble has seen before. That means adventurers are required to find a suitable beast, defeat it, and bring it back without ruining the meat. The same goes for exotic herbs, vegetables, and the like. Not one to go on a campaign for basilisk filet, she is more content to send underlings in her stead, who are typically more afraid of her than of the monsters.

Until they meet the actual monsters.

Master Troubadour Daranus Drake

Appearance - a tall handsome man with practiced charisma and a short attention span, well dressed but seeming a little bit on the wane.

Portrayal - Drake is not a smart man, he knows he's dumb, but he also knows he is handsome and the ladies love him. This is why he spends his time working out, and memorizing lines, and contrary to his lecherous characters, he is a bit of a softy not looking for a good time (not that he will automatically say no, he's no paladin) but wanting something serious, romantic, and real.

Hook - The Imperial Order of Troubadours is a popular source of entertainment in Terrasquestone, and Master Drake is a handsome, dashing, and well-respected member of the order. He is best known for his portrayal of highly charismatic Casanovas in the sundry plays of the city, his most infamous character being the kiss-stealing Cleric Dergonicus. The Guild wants Drake to get some real experience, some grit under his nails, and a bit of blood on his doublet. He is looking for work and is a fairly skilled, if easily frightened bard.

Enanny of Bolmar Isle

Appearance - alternating between being vapid and being eccentric, Enanny is a blonde human woman who dresses in divided skirts, and a strange harness and keeps birds as pets.

Portrayal - A strange woman who has an unusual seven string lyre, sings weird songs, dislikes most common food, and finds the strangest combinations to be delicious, especially herbal treatments of birds. She has plenty of stories, but none make sense, her background seems like an ever-changing joke, and she is treated like a beggar despite seemingly always having enough gold for it to not be an issue.

Hook - Bolmar Isle is about six miles above Terrasquestone, and it a part of Epoa. During a storm, she lost her mount and barely survived the fall through the great tempest to end up in Terrasquestone. She is no accepted for being extremely eccentric and has access to animal magics and wind magics. She is usually looking for either a way to get back home, six miles in the sky, requiring a special trip not just going the distance, since Epoa can move around some. On top of this, she is a socialite and cares about the common folk and their concerns.


Tonberry Tower is a snapshot of an upscale residential housing tower in the inner city of Terrasquestone, and there are dozens of such towers. The city is enormous by fantasy standards. Filling out a tower like this is easy, pick a TV show, movie, or other series you like, and migrate them over into the fantasy setting. Then you have a series of NPCs, plots, motivations, and hooks for things to send the players after. 

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