There are those people, that would climb into any hole for money. Sometimes they find nothing, sometimes death. And sometimes they find so much wealth that enough fools try their luck next time.

But sometimes even ordinary people find wealth.

Jonas was a simple peasant. Living from day to day was not easy, but his wife and four children made it easier. While digging a small well for his animals, he found a large pot that was too heavy to be empty. And inside, you guess it, were hundreds of large golden coins, so much he has never seen before!

Neither he, nor his wife did know how to handle this sum of money. So they hid it carefully, and Jonas took a few coins to buy some tools and toys and sweets. He never came back.

But on the same day the local tax collector arrived, threatening the poor woman for anything about the gold her man spent. She did not tell, even as he accused her beloved of thieving, evading taxes and running away to leave her alone. The tax collector found nothing and learned nothing so left diappointed. But villagers did find something later, Jonas' body, hidden not far from the village.

It took some time to carefully ask all the people that saw Jonas, but eventually it was clear: Jonas left really home, his gold attracted attention, and the tax collector left the town hot on his trail. As he was an hour or so behind, he could catch him, but not far from the village...

And that was bad. All were used to high taxes and bullies, but no one was ever killed. The community gathered around the poor widow, and promised to take care of her and her
children. In a moment of gratitude, the wife (her name was Laranna), revealed the reason for killing. The whole village was astonished and scared, for that much of money was more worth than all their houses and animals together! Sadly, they could not spend the money. The tax collector already revealed himself. Their lord they have never seen, indeed the taxes were the only thing the village was valued for. Justice was rumoured to be in the city, if you are lucky.

So much gold could only worsen the situation. Someone will come and take it, and all get even more taxed. Unless... unless there come some heroes to help! It would be very handy if the same heroes helped Helping the Grazuul Tribe. All that mocking for helping some dirty Orcs could be nicely rewarded. They just need to transport over 200 person total, men, women, children and some favourite animals too. Without much attention. And buy land somewhere, with enough place.

See Feudalism. A serf can leave his village at any time. Question is, why do that? Land is owned by the lords, if you want some, you must be very rich or you simply end up working for another lord again, your whole life. The serfs are an important source of a lord's income. Even if they are somewhat free, they are usually held in check for the betterment of higher classes.

The situation described above is, if lucky, a one-way ticket to a better life. While such moving IS according to laws, everyone with power will try to stop it, for it disturbs peace and traditions. Once found out, thieves and bandits may want the gold themselves. The tax collector will surely try anything to hinder them and get his hands on the money.

A good feeling. Half of the golden treasure (and maybe there is more...). Popularity amongst the simple folk. Maybe a new enemy, a lord. Officials and clerks may sometimes go to great lenghts to make their lives hard. The taxing authorities will concentrate on the heroes. OK, this is not truly a reward. :-(

A social system close to the feudal one. It should be possible for taxes be different in different parts of the kingdom. A serf does not own the land he works on. Moving of a large group of tax-payers can produce hostilities between the lords.

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