The following information is for Ageratos, but would be unknown to the majority of the populace. Most sorcerors will probably know it, rather in the manner that an American knows about the Revolutionary War, and historians might know it if they specialize in the history of the occult.

The School of Jundera

The School of Jundera is the most ancient school of Amandaeanic magic, first established during the Bloody Age by Jundera the Ultimately Wise, one of the disciples of Mandaeani (who is widely believed to be the grandfather of all the known magical systems; those systems and Schools which follow his teachings are called Mandaeanic, while those which reject his teachings are Amandaeanic, or Anathematic).

Jundera created his School in recognition of the mighty sorceries of the Ancients, who he believed knew a "purer" and more "bodhic" magic than the Agera of his day knew. He was extremely conservative in his magical philosophy, and unlike his master Mandaeani (who he came to despise), rejected the Shamani-based, elementalistic magics which evolved out of the traditional Ageran ways.
Showing the Bodhologist influence on his theory, Jundera's School strongly emphasizes a deep and definitive understanding of the self. Jundera himself purported the semi-solipsistic belief that all things in the world actually were generated from the "Spring of the Self", and that conflict was engendered by the clashing of two beings' "Springs"; this belief translated into a magical system which emphasizes the "strengthening" of "personal reality" in order to "weaken" the "outer reality".
A lot of words, however, do not easily translate into practice. While Jundera was very good at philosophy (indeed, many of his disciples became Master Bodhologists), it was soon discovered that using the strength of the self is extremely difficult. Jundera's original magics, written down in the scrolls known as the Baaghora Baia (translating as "the Jewel of Wisdom"), involved heavily drawing upon the sorceror's inner reserves of strength and willpower in order to fuel Ontological magics (Ontological, or Realist, magics are those directly and bluntly changing the function of reality). Soon after Jundera's death, the worn-out Junderic sorcerors allowed the School to become less conservative in aspect.

The development of the Junderic magic has created a system based on channeling energy for the manifestation of spells from outside sources, through the self. And rather than use an Ontological approach, the Junderics have become practitioners who approach magic through Affectation, that is, the manipulation of natural processes to create spells (Affectation, while more limited than Ontology, is easier, faster, and vastly-less taxing). Junderic sorcerors favor living beings as sources of energy- drinking blood and the sacrafice of small animals being the most common.

The School of Jundera in practice

The sorceror Veyaton has slaughtered three chickens, and gathered their blood in a shallow brass dish. Drinking from the dish, he allows the blood to spill down his robe and splatter about his feet. Using the strength of the life-force of the chickens, Veyaton reaches out with his sciomantic gauntlet and surreptitiously motivates warm air to roll moisture from the surface of the ocean, congealing it upon the shore into a thick mist which causes the ship of his enemy, Ordaec, to go astray, and beach catastrophically. Veyaton smirks, and dispatches his soldiers, sub-human apes arrayed in brass armor, to destroy the survivors.

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