Full Description
Some say that where the Cursed Lands now are, there was an orphanage with a particularly cruel caretaker. If some child would not obey his commands, he would tear their hair out, and this he would sleep on with much delight. Some say his collection came alive one day, from the pain and hate it contained, some say it awakened with the Curse.

The amorphous beast is composed entirely of hair. For this reason it can be practically invisible against the right background, it can creep through tiny cracks and under doors. Some claim it only strangles its victims, some say it drains life of them, as undead do. No one knows for sure, for few have escaped it, ever. It is said it does not harm children.

The Hair Beast is not harmed through common weapons, and even magical ones seem to have little effect. Fire is the only known protection, as it avoids larger fires, and a torch can harm it a bit. When it does burn (a little), it produces a horrible stench.

Additional Information
This is a unique magical creature, possibly undead.

Though it is a unique, it might spawn more of its own... if the conditions were right.

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