In this pantheon, there are four dragons, and only four, and they are gods. They are opposed by four fiends, and only four, and they are demons.

The Fiends seek to usurp the dragons, and to this end, often take the shape of dragons themselves, though these forms are twisted and evil, in opposition to the beauty and nobility of the Dragons.

Red Dragon: The God of Fire, Passion, Skill, and Emotion.
White Dragon: The God of Air, Law, Wisdom, and Civilization.
Black Dragon: The Goddess of Earth, the Night, Silence, and Thought.
Blue Dragon: The Goddess of Water, Healing, Kindness, and the Arts.

Red Fiend: The God of Volcanism, Madness, Combat, and Rage.
White Fiend: The God of Winter, Tyranny, Secrets, and the desecration of nature.
Black Fiend: The Goddess of Stone, Darkness, Death, and Obsession.
Blue Fiend: The Goddess of Storms, Disease, Cowardice, and the making of weaponry.

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