You have never seen such incredible creatures! Exotic beasts from across the world! And the troupers! Youve never even dreamed of such things such as these! Come in and see! Two coppers is a paltry sum for the chance to see such wonders! Step right this way, and mind your step

The Carnival of Forgotten Souls, or the Carnival as the troupers call it, is a misnomer. Not a single soul here is forgotten, at least not for long.
The carnival consists of a caravan of twelve large covered wagons for the animals and troupers and four for the supplies and tents. Each wagon is drawn by four exceptional draft horses.
Once the largest pavilion is set up the troupers go about erecting their individual tents. The animals (several exotic and hard to capture beasts) are moved in their cages to the largest of the tents and cared for as necessary before the first show.

This show boasts not only exotic animals, but a sideshow of the deformed and bizarre. Bremen the Strong, Arturo the Slight, Aela the Tattooed Lady, Korian the Lion Man, Vies the Feral Boy and Tulapon the Missing Link are the most notoriously sought shows by far.

The additional staff of the Carnival consist of Geldrom (retired caravaneer and guard),
Alten (animal handler and keeper), Bajali (barker and guard), Jynthen (juggler and sometimes cook), Ostal (chef and Fat Lady), Sebella (pickpocket, acrobat, and animal handler), Henesten (engineer and wheelwright), Peldar (street jester, guard, and animal trainer), and Jorth (scribe, accountant, and barber).

Among the many exhibits one can find a plethora of activities to involve themselves.

During the course of a day, Ostal and Jynthen run an open kitchen for the patrons. One can sample many an exotic dish here while being entertained by Jynthens constant jokes and antics juggling the food hes preparing as Ostal watches and frowns (its part of the show).

Alten walks the grounds with one or more of the less dangerous beasts (for the childrens enjoyment), introducing visitors to some of the smaller and rarest of animals. He is extremely careful and keeps a close eye on the animals, sometimes taking an assistant from the crowd (always a small child) to help.

Sebella will oft be seen performing amazing feats of balance and grace, doing cartwheels and flips through the crowd. She is an accomplished mime and has a fair ability to do sleight of hand (a diversion usually, to take notice from her hand in someones pouch).

Peldar walks the whole grounds pretending to b a patron, heckling each performer and barker in turn from the crowd. Most of this is scripted, but improvisation happens often.

Geldrom is most often helping visitors find their way between shows and acting as sheriff, a fact which Peldar delights in using for a well placed joke or two, and caring for the horses.

Jorth scurries about most of the time handling Carnival business, transporting gate fees and the like, under the watchful eyes of Bajali. He can also be found at times plying his trade as a barber from the back of his wagon, caring for minor ailments and selling salves, oils, and poultices to many patrons (most of which are simple herbal remedies, but some are just plain snake oil).

The Carnival sets up in one night, always at night, and stays few no more than a week. They are always gone by the first light of morning, well on their way to the next town or city.

GM notes: The Carnival can find its way nearly anywhere, in any setting. The animals are left at the GMs discretion.
They are always looking for guards and talented performers, and post for such in local inns and taverns.
Although many minor performers come and go, the list of workers presented here are the constant.
No other headliners are taken into the fold, as this is a ten in one Carnival, ten unique shows.
This traveling show is on the level, but occasionally will hide a person within their ranks who they feel needs help.

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