Tarrath has a powerful physique, his broad shoulders intimidating any would-be troublemakers. A shaggy mane of dark hair falls about his shoulders.

Tarrath was the bodyguard of the prophet Karimnir Messenger of the End Times. He walked the world spreading his message of doom to all those who had displeased the elder gods, promising that their doom would come swiflty and that they would now feel the wrath of the gods, for defying them.

As a young man Tarrath had often wandered the world looking for adventure, a devoted servatn of the gods he would wander doing what good he could here and there, until one day he had stumbled upon a man claiming he was a prophet of the gods, and so Tarrath sat close to him in order to hear what he had to say, and after a while he offered his services as a bodyguard to Karimnir, offering to protect him as he journeyed through the lands spreading his message.

As he wandered with Karimnir he began to hear rumours begin to spread about his master saying that he wasn't in fact a messenger of the gods but an agent of chaos come to spread doom and uncertanty among the people of the empire in order to spread disruption so that when the rumoured invasion of chaotic forces from the north about to attack the empires that lay to the south.

The more he heard of the rumours surrounding his master the more he began to distrust him, as did others around him, until finally he went to the authorities to give up up the location of the man he had been protecting for so long.

When he returned he could not at first bear to look upon his masters face. But Karimnir already knew what had happened "don't worry Tarrath, there is nothing to be ashamed of, you did what you saw as right.

Later that night a group of imperial guards came to the house and arrested Karimnir on grounds of treason, and plotting to overthrow the ruler of the empire.

As things turned out the so called prophet had been right about the gods displeasure about the state the world was in, and the invasion did come, destroying much of the empire, the parts which survived struggled to get themselves back in order.

Today the empire has more or less recovered from the events of 2500 years before. But Tarrath's name is still remembered and cursed as the one who gave up Karimnir to the authorities.

Special Equipment
Tarrath has no special equipment and is armed with only a warhammer.

Roleplaying Notes
Generally a nice person to have been around, until after his betrayal of the prophet when he began to deteriorate, becoming depressed and liable to bouts of violence and at other times he wouldn't speak with anyone

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Notice: Villains!

What more needs to be said? The Citadel has spoken. More villains are in order.

Scoundrels, Blackguards, and Miscreants! Bring on your worst!

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