The basis for many a bardic tale of courting and love, these beautiful small flowers symbolize new love to many.
Full Description
Small flowers that grow by water in winter and autumn, silverblooms are around 5 inches tall, and when they bloom, they produce an amazing display. Silvery petals uncurl, reflecting the sun onto the water. A sweet smell emanates from them.
Additional Information
So very often used by courting couples in villages, and as gifts for special days. A bunch of them could even be worth a silver, which, for a peasant, is quite a bit of money.
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? Responses (12)
Simple. Basic. I like it. Alot.
A good but not exceptional post.
Shows some definite promise as it says in the vote thingy. But it's very short.
The way I see it, it might as well harm the post to flesh it out as well as help it.
So trust me, I see the beauty in something this short but still amazingly rich post.
If a post is bad and at the same time as short as this it would defenitly recive a clear 1.0 from me. But it isn't bad. It's very good, but short. Catch my drift?
I can not give it any higher score than 2.0
If people disagree I can gladly change my vote if some really good arguments are produced.
Sincerely, Mike.
Sometimes less is more. If you added more words to this, what would you add? A whole lot of padding that really would amount to nothing. Would you vote a 2 on something by Hemmingway just because it is short? (The world renown author known for his terse text?) How about a short scene by Shakespeare? Would you vote it low just because of its size? What about its language or content?
I would mentions authors in your native tongue, but to be honest, I don't know any. I hope you do get the idea.
If the post covers everything it needs to cover, then it does not need to be longer. (If it doesn't cover everything it needs to, that is a different story.) Don't vote it low just because it is short. That is why the poster gets a lower XP listing. It is short, please don't penalize them twice **if it is complete**.
I do get your idea Moonhunter. But when I say that I think something is short it's not about the chunc of text in general. I think that this flower write up could handle a little bit more.
And this is not Hemmingway, it's a flower which people use in their games. Not a poem, and there is in my opinion, a difference. And thank the gods for the fact that we all have different opinions.
Recent events have made me change my mind. I raise my vote to a 4.0, there is no such thing as too small, too large or too orange for that matter. A good post is a good post. What can I say?
It happens.
*Mike Slithers away.
Short but sweet.
Nice. Short.
Fluff. It works.
great and simple but i would like it more if there was a tiny bit more description.
Nice idea, but way too short.
Goodness, I haven't logged in here for years, and don't even remember writing this. Thank you everyone for your comments. I'd clarify what I had in mind with this but like I said - I don't even remember doing it at the time, perhaps because it's just a generic pretty flower (that is somehow both small and five inches tall. Perhaps the plant itself is that high?)