' The day after our encounter with Lutazum we were brought out to one of their 'farms'. These consisted of large pens woven out of bamboo and other plants, and within were the odd livestock the Hanaset refer to as the Ralu.

The Hanaset chief mentioned that there were other farms further out, but it was just as well to not visit them, as later discussion would make clear.

The Ralu in general are an odd sort of beast. It appears as a cross between a giant rat and swine, with the addition of porcupine-like spines on it's hindquarters. It has dull, quite stupid looking eyes and its feet appear more rat-like then would be expected on livestock.

We were subsequently informed that what we had taken for venison the prior day was in fact the flesh of these beasts, and was quite good despite their outlandishness.

For truth, these lands hold a great many of surprises, as you, dear reader, will find as you peruse this work...'

From the Book, The Southern Reaches - of Savages and Silver, a travel log by Admiral (ret.) Saveth, noted Naturalist

The Ralu is the main species of animal that the Hanaset have domesticated and forms an integral part of their diet as well as serving other purposes.

Originally the Ralu were a species of large, social porcupine-like mammals. Unlike most porcupines, these are very social and form herds. When disturbed, with their highly directional, rear-facing spines, they would form circles around their young, with their spines pointed out to form a prickly circle.

The Ralu are generally very stupid and stubborn, but have a legendary (to the Hanaset) ability to find food almost anywhere. They are primarily herbivorous, but will sometimes eat insects or frogs. They do not eat carrion and will give such a wide berth.

The males of the wild species also had traits similar to that of skunks, making them a wholly unpleasant meal for most predators. The domesticated Ralu have been carefully bred into a number of breeds, specialized for different purposes:


The Ralutulu are bred exclusively for their meat. They are the largest of the breeds, averaging 200 lbs, and the most voracious. Their quills are very short and dull, almost valueless as a textile material, and worthless as a defense. They do have powerful jaws and teeth that allow them to eat most jungle foliage as well as tree bark.


This Ralu breed is bred for it's quills. It is ranges from 100-120 lbs and it's quills grow to nearly 3 feet in length, extending almost directly behind the beast. Used as is, the quills make excellent baskets, and when split, the fibers are used for everything from thread, rope, rugs and even the tough quill vests and shields the Hanaset wear into battle. The material is easily as strong as unboiled leather.

There are some closely hidden rituals which are said to be able to strengthen this material further, to be near the strength of steel, but this has not been confirmed.

The Hanaset make many uses of the quills themselves. One of the most interesting is in a ritual that they perform in lieu of a traditional duel.

Two Hanaset warriors who have a serious disagreement can submit to the ritual combat called Velasu by the Hanaset.

Each strips to the waist and enters into a circle of combat with naught but a pair of 3' Ralu quills. The tip of each is coated in the venom of the Musalu beetle, which causes very severe pain.

What follows resembles a fencing match as would be seen with the lightweight swords of the Civilized lands. The quills are used with such speed that the match usually ends within seconds. The first to drop to the ground writhing in pain is the loser, even if they manage to score their opponent as well. This ritual is not to the death, but the pain of the venom is such that some will almost prefer it.


The Raluhilu is the smallest breed of the Ralu and is bred for its noxious musk. Only 80-90 lbs, it is capable of producing prodigious quantities of the foul smelling substance. This material is used for numerous purposes including defense against some of the larger predators of the jungle. Parties of foragers will carry carefully sealed clay pots of this substance which are thrown either at the ground, or at the attacking beast. The stench is severe enough that a direct hit will cause the effected beast to fall into convulsions and vomit uncontrollably. Even if not hit directly, no natural carnivore will press an attack if this substance is between itself and it's prey.

Strangely enough, the Hanaset have also developed a means to extract a strong, fairly floral perfume from the same material. It is safe to say, that those Hanaset which specialize in farming these beasts do so quite far from the main area of the village.

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