
Hatumah at the prime of his life was a tall (for a Hanaset - about 5'), fit hanaset warrior with brown hair, grey eyes and olive skin. He wears primarily simple Ralu-skin clothing, saving his finery for special occasions, and his weapons for times of war. He carries himself with nobility and is quite attentive to his surroundings.


Hatumah is the oldest chieftain that the Hanaset still have reference to in their legends. As such, he is the First Chieftain and holds a special place in Hanaset society. Even now, Lutazum the Tortoise is considered to be a reincarnation of this legendary figure.

In truth, Hatumah was one of the greatest of the Hanaset, as he helped bring back his people from the brink of extinction. He was not the first chieftain, but those before him accomplished little of note and have disappeared from any written or verbal accounts.

The Hanaset are currently an insular, forest dwelling people with little interest in the outside world. This has not always been the case.

Much of their history is documented elsewhere but prior to Hatumah, they were a minor people indeed, the pitiful survivors of a once grand and glorious empire.

Through force of personality and shrewd politics, he managed to assemble the disparate Hanaset survivors into a single, coherent political structure, organized into five districts.
This structure held strong until three generations after Hatumah's death with the sundering of the Tribes. Four remained in good, if shaky relations, while the fifth became ostracized and have taken to worshipping Malitazum one-eyed, a giant malevolent crocodile.

From a Line of Emperors

Hatumah descended from a line which included many of the prior emperors of the Hanaset Empire prior to it's fall. He descends nearly directly from the last Emperor, his great grandfather being the 3rd son of the Emperor. Prior to his own ascension as Chieftain, a number of lesser chieftains attempted to rule disastrously.

Lutazum the Tortoise

Lutazum is a partial reincarnation of the Hanaset first Chieftain Hatumah, a high priest of great wisdom. When he lay on his deathbed after many years of defending the people, he asked of the Gods to be able to keep watch on his beloved people rather then join the Gods in the Green Kingdom or Letasur (The Hanaset term for the afterlife). The Gods themselves still wanted Hatumah to join them, so they separated a fraction of his spirit and infused it into Lutazum, who up to that point was a normal-sized great tortoise kept by the tribe as a pet. This infusion of the great priest's spirit along with the hands of the gods changed the turtle to it's present form.

Now, though the link between the fragments of Hutumah's spirit, he can watch his people while sitting at the side of his Gods.

Special Equipment

Hatumah normally carried no items of power - he wore the trappings of both Hanaset Priest - tattered remnants of fine imperial robes, and that of a chieftain - elaborate headdress of finely carved wood and adorned with semiprecious stones.

In battle, he used a scimitar-like sword of specially made bronze, another relic of their imperial era. This weapon was buried with him somewhere deep in the forests of the Hanaset. Legends attribute magical powers to this blade, but none living know the truth.

Roleplaying Notes / Campaign Use

Hatumah is not likely to play a part in interactions unless he is somehow summoned from beyond the grave, though he can interact in a limited fashion through Lutazum.

Being a historical figure he is of more use adding depth to the Hanaset. One possible scenario involving Hatumah follows:

The Sword of Hatumah

The time has come where the Hanaset must unite to defend themselves against an outside force (perhaps an incursion of The Rephatians. A chieftain bearing this sword may be able to unit the four tribes, and perhaps even the 5th, and be able to fend off their enemy. The PC's might help find Hatumah's grave and retrieve the blade. Due to the many taboos of the Hanaset society, the Hanaset themselves cannot take on this mission themselves and so need outsiders to help. This adventure might be a good place to use Lutazum as well.

Whatever force opposing the Hanaset may learn (divination, espionage, or perhaps a traitor) of the PC's mission and dispatch forces to intervene.

The site of Hatumah's grave has become heavily overgrown with vegetation to such an extent that Lutazum simply cannot accompany the PCs to the exact site of the grave, so they will need to proceed alone through a maze of thick briar-like vegetation, possibly fighting opposing forces in the claustrophobic undergrowth.

In the centre of the maze lies Hutamah's simple grave, fairly shallow with carefully fitted stones over top. Only a small number of flowers grow upon the stones - the forest has not overrun this location.

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