Full Description
Order Dragons are good sized beasts, ranging from eight to fourteen strides (4-7M or 5-9 yards) from nose to tail, with 30-40% being tail) and a wing span of half again that. Order Dragons have only two wings and two legs, rather than the four with two wings of other dragons. Their weight is light, four to seven men can carry one. There is variety in their coloration, their reptile like scales range from a mix of greens to all natural earthtones. Each Order Dragon has a mix of two or three related colors.

They can run at horse's trotting pace. They can fly twice as fast as a horse can run, more if they can catch a wind. These speeds are when when burdened with a rider. Without a Ryder they can add half again the speed.

Their endurance is nearly magical. They can carry 100Kgs of additional mass for hours of flight. If there is a wind they can catch, this time can be extended.

Order Dragons can generate a variety of firey blasts from their mouth, from a simple belch (fireball) to a firey stream, and even an arc of flame. Some are said to be able to generate a fireball that exploded and cascaded. An Order Dragon can shoot fire almost unlimtedly, if they pace themselves (every other impulse). Too much fire in a short time and they will be unable to flame and their flight speed will be halved.

They are manlike in their intelligence, but they have little motivation beyond the occasional need for food. They treat their Ryder as an extension of themselves. So they will do anything they can for their Ryder.

Additional Information
They are the mounts of the Order of Eternal Flame. To the masses, they are the most obvious symbol of the order. A ryder is truly only identifiable by their FireGems.

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