Magic in Tyren comes from a single, universal source: Dol. Trigu (the Creator) created Dol to keep the world supplied with a constant supply of energy, so that it and the creations housed upon it could continue to thrive and grow. Thusly, Dol permeates everything within the world, down to the smallest space between atoms. This is great, if all you want to do is go about your daily life doing mundane things. But what if you want to use Dol for a bigger purpose, something extra ordinary? Enter magic.

In Tyren there are two types of magic, Ritual and Kren. Both have their own submission, and thus are linked here. However, there is one overarching thing that I could not formerly word, until Strolen so kindly did so for me.

And as far as a 'list' of magic {items}. I dislike the convention of lists and specific magics. The homebrew games I did run, magic was simply a source. They had their 'favorite' things they could do with it but it was very freeform using the magic for the situation. It is more fun when you don't have a list of spells or magic properties to work off of, you can get much more fun and creative with it long as you have a solid idea on what the nature of your magic is.

This is very true. I have a good conception of what the nature of Tyren's magic is, and that is what has been submitted in both Kren and Ritual Magic.

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