Full Item Description
A well crafted but otherwise ordinary steak knife.

It was forged by a bored demon that wondered what would happen if mortals were cursed with the craving his kind have for the bloody flesh of all things.

Magic/Cursed Properties
Anyone who uses this knife to carve up his meat, slowly finds himself obsessed with the different kinds of meat that one can eat.Why stop with boring things like chicken, beef, and fish, the mind of the cursed one will tell him, urging him to try eating the flesh of about every living thing there is. Soon,it will reach a point where that so annoying pet of one's wife mysteriously vanishes. Two birds killed with one stone,no? No more harpy of a wife to nag you and a delicious dish made from a totally new kind of meat to feed your craving for meat.

Note:Process only begins if the knife is used on flesh. Otherwise,it is just an ordinary knife.

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