1. Sileenk and Beharrath of Zorander Quay

Beharrath is a fairly wealthy merchant who has made his name by running a riverboat from the coast of Tir Lauchmhar to Zorander Quay, the largest and closest navigable point to Terrasquestone. Most of his trade is running Tarasceen weapons and armor south to the oceanic traders and bringing spices, luxury trade goods, and other things back to the great city. He is a relatively short man, well known for having an almost bipolar personality. Most of the time, Beharrath is calm and cool, laughing at even the most vile insults thrown at him and his trade. At other times his temper has a hair trigger and more than once he's been forced to spend a few days in the lockup for assaulting someone in a bar who bumped his table. Most call it Small Man Syndrome, but Beharrath just has a terrible temper.

Sileenk is a goblin maiden who was separated from her nomadic tribe when she was young and was captured by the inhabitants of Hazelmere Woodhoven (a woodcutter community). She was brought up as a house servant and a slave, property of the Hazelmere City Guild. Having been largely raised by humans and treated more like an especially clever dog, she has little in common with the common goblin, and her own tribe would be more inclined to kill her on sight, to release her from the clutches of hume poisoning.

Beharrath purchased Sileenk from the city guild, but not before shattering the guild master's nose, disarming his bodyguard, and 'krumping the master's boy in the cullions so hard she's a lass now'. Beharrath was not one to tolerate things like slavery, but he was raised in Terrasquestone, and that's not shined upon there these days. Intending to let the goblin lass work off her debt and then grant her freedom, he found she had no desire to be freed of the mark the Hazelmere put on her. She was happy to be his property.

These days she is most often seen as the first lady of Beharrath's river ship where she mends clothing, cooks in the galley, fishes, drinks, and starts fights with the old man just so they can make up. Her signature dish is especially spicy fried fish cakes and lotus root chips. He's not real fond of city folk who spend too long looking at his tall (for a greenskin) wife, and how her goblin knockers strain the simple white blouses she is the fondest of.

2. Minkle and Corin-rum

Corin-rum is best described as a bumpkin from the upcountry. He has perpetually tousled hair, a vague and distant expression, and a stooped posture to go with his gangly build. He is also a tinker, artificer, and alchemist, and is probably somewhere on the spectrum. He was recruited as part of a Dungeon Raid, where several dozen people try to overwhelm a dungeon in the hopes of sheer numbers carrying the day against monsters and traps. They did not carry the day and Corin-rum actually fell into a chasm and most of his party thought him dead and didn't give him a second thought.

Minkle was a goblin of the Whispering Mountain Dungeon and when presented with the chance to absolutely butcher the first human she encountered, battered and badly injured, she didn't. Instead, she spent several weeks nursing him back to health and sharing a common interest with him, artificing. They discussed automata, machina, and other clever contraptions. Struck by how tall, and how nice Corin-rum was, Minkle had no compunction about her choices. Even the choices that lead to her frequent not always completely consensual mating with him.

Eventually, Minkle and Corin-rum were able to leave the dungeon, and she helped him with the path out. She was surprised when instead of rejecting her as she expected the tallman to do, he invited her to come back to Terrasquestone with him. What was even more surprising was that she was able to.

Corin-rum has a tinker stall in the lower market of the great city where he does things like mending crossbows, folding ladders, and other such clever things that adventurers like to have. They have a small home in the low city, and Minkle is a domestic spouse who keeps their home, cooks too much food, in involved in the goings on of the local goblin community, and cares for a number of orphaned goblin children. This has replaced having their own children for Minkle and Corin-rum because one of the currently unsurmounted problems is that no matter how much they try, humans and goblins are not cross-fertile.

3. The Goblin Harem of Zhagnohl zo Eozn

Zhagnohl zo Eozn is a sorcerer of no small reputation and one of the most powerful of the non-aligned magi. He holds no seat among any of the great adventurer's guilds, none of the mage guilds, or any royal or noble clan. Instead, he holds a powerful mage's tower in the hinterlands of Tir an Nathracha and is largely left alone. The tower is far enough away from the settled lands that there are no angry peasants to complain about his sorcerous works, and no lords or ladies hold a claim over his lands to demand gold, service, or fealty. He is a tall, haughty man with a rich dignified air and the dress and demeanor of a flamboyant French monarch and Las Vegas performer, his mix of disdain for guests and the exceeding hospitality they are treated to being part of the show.

There are three goblins of note in zo Eozn's harem that are of note. There are more than three, but the rest are more employed as servants and valets rather than actual members of a harem. Again, it is all part of the show. Griznette is a purpul hobgoblin and has developed sorcerous powers. The tall for a hobgoblin dresses in a manner that is scandalous, frequently only wearing broad collars of precious stones over her ample breasts and a beaded skirt that does nothing to conceal her muscular legs or the hairless vajazzled mound of her pubis. She excels in the schools of Illusion, divination, and abjuration. She is also a horrible tease who enjoys nothing more than shocking guests and serving her lord and semi-divine husband. Criux is a crimson hobgoblin champion and is taller than zo Eozn. She has a strong primal nature and unless ordered to, she generally only attires herself in scented oils and a leather harness to hold her Bleeding Edge Goblin Katanas. Where Griznette is a coquettish tease, Cruix is a dominating aggressive muscle mommy who enjoys intimidating people. Umni is the most frightening of zo Eozn's harem, she is a Viridescent Goblin Lady and accordingly a master of assassins and the racial leader of all the goblins under the domain of zo Eozn. She is also very much a sophisticated green-skinned goblinatrix well versed in the power and play of the BDSM lifestyle.

Zhagnohl zo Eozn found the geomatic confluence of ley lines and used sorcery to raise his tower in the Land of Serpents. Lacking human servants and having not patience to learn the Unseen Servant path of magic, he recruited the local goblins into his service. And by recruiting, he magically dominated them into being his civilized household staff. He found that there was a great truth, and that truth was that tiddies are tiddies, regardless of what they are attached to and despite his desire to only pursue his arcane arts, he was still flesh and blood with flesh and blood needs and desires. He culled the most attractive goblins from the servants and made them his personal valets. After a time, under his arcane influence and general abuse, the base goblins started evolving. After the first few, he realized the nature of the goblin and started working towards a new goal, a goblin harem. The two results were that few are as well versed in the thaumaturgical potential of goblins as zo Eozn, and that once they hit hobgoblin status, femme goblins are fuckable. And now, zo Eozn cultivates a goblinesse harem.

His tower is a curiosity to those interested in ancient sorcery, which he is one of the undisputed masters of and interracial relations.

4. Azdat Grimegrinder and Ophean

Azdat Grimegrinder is a non-chromatic hobgoblin champion, retaining the basic appearance of a goblin, but being larger, more heavily muscled, and of greater ability. He found that with his goblin evolution he had greater access to skills he had not known before and rather than delving into magic or melee, he pursued more mundane skills. To that end, Azdat is a master chef, knife smith, and butcher, and is respected for his animal husbandry. He left the Grimeshrill Warren after his growing skills were not recognized or appreciated and he was spending more time knifing lesser goblins and filling cauldrons with slop than pursuing his passions. He fled and took up with a band of adventurers from the Guild of Heroes, who were willing to accept non-human members. While still not keen on combat, he proved an asset in cooking. After making a few dungeon runs and fleshing out his skills, he retired and bought a stall in Vakki-Kreghekh, a demi-human melting pot slum city.

Ophean of Cerevia is a traveling merchant who specializes in food goods. Her trade ventures lean heavily towards ethnic cuisine of non-humans, preserved meats, smoked goods, and spices. She and her company made regular runs to Vakki-Kreghekh for loads of dried jungle peppers, other exotic spices, and the topaz gold salt that was mined from under the city. Few paid her more mind that of mercantile interest as she was considered short, overly plump, and a thoroughly unpleasant woman. Ophean considered herself honest, and had no interest in the mincing of words, beating of bushes, or saying things that were unmeant.

The two met in Azdat's 'restaurant' where she had been drawn by reputation and aroma. She sampled most of what he had, and the gob was getting annoyed by this crass pink-skin wench who kept wanting to try more and more of his best cooking, his sharpest spices, and his strongest brews. When he came to yell at her to get the fuck out of his stall she was drunk, they argued, and the next morning he woke under the embrace of a heavy, naked, human woman, his libido completely and totally sated.

Six years later, Grimegrinders is a secret of Terrasquestone. He could have a multi-star reviewed restaurant in the inner city, but he hates all those people. Instead, Azdat keeps a small establishment in the low city, where he has time and space to raise pigs, and cure his own personal creation, Merget. This goblin ham is made from just his pen of semi-feral dungeon pigs and is insanely expensive when he is willing to sell an entire leg of it. Ophean still runs the merchant trade that keeps Grimegrinders in operation, though most people know her more as the woman who screams at the hobgoblin cook, who screams back at her, and sometimes they can be found in the alley behind the stall either smoking long pipes or screwing like animals.

5. Melisant Jacquemoud, Dorothea Valloton, and Kelnart

Situated near the heart of Terrasquestone, Melisant and Dorothea are a well-known power couple. They have a great amount of wealth, influence, and magical power, mostly centered around The Glamourhold on Baldot. This impressive demi-fortress has all the frenetic energy of a year-round festival, with the trappings of dark glamour, and bleeding edge fashion, and anyone who is anyone in the city's inner circles (who isn't a stodgy old book-kisser) has been invited to the dark soirees held there. Melisant is a short but muscular woman, Dorothea is tall and sometimes gangly in her appearance, and they dress in near identical fashion. They are enchantresses, artificers, and general non-spell slinging magi of frightening power. Almost every outfit they appear in is some sort of magical panoply, enchanted, custom-made, or all of the above.

Kelnart is a large, finely muscled, and chiseled crimson hobgoblin. He is mute, covered in intricate tattoo work, and appears wearing leather pants, a leather collar, and nothing else.

The details of their relationship are unknown, but it is generally assumed that in addition to being the personal valet and bodyguard of the two women, Kelnart is also their spouse as all three have matching rings. It is also known that he is not a normal hob, but that the women have worked their magic on him, turning him into the hottest hobgoblin to ever exist, through exceptional body symmetry, physical sculpting, and charisma-boosting magics.

The Glamourhold remains a place of debauchery, mystery, and even defies the efforts of Lord Firethorn's inquiries.

6. Nizvinkle Nightskin and Master of Thieves Gellenent Mer

Nizvinkle, or usually just Niz, is a unique goblin. She was born with jet-black skin and completely red eyes. Accordingly, she was discarded by her goblin mother for being defective and was taken up by one of the many orphanages of Great Terrasquestone. Raised as a street urchin, she grew into a young adult goblin, retaining her matte black skin, dull red eyes, but throwing out a figure that had young men suddenly doubting the don't mix the blood wisdom of their elders. As a discarded unusual goblin Niz easily found her way into the wrong crowd and became a nighttime footpad. She cut purses, burgled houses and carriages, and generally was a nuisance in the low city, at least, until she met him.

Gellenent Mer is a short human man with white streaked red hair, a long beard, and gets really hostile when people make jokes about the dwarf being on the tall side. He is also a master in the Thieves Guild, and a ranking member in the Guild of Adventurers-Upon-Return. While certainly capable of stealing anything he wants, he finds greater challenges in the Gyre, or in the field. He has gone on missions to burgle the other great guilds in the city, and even once broke into the Hall of Gifts not to steal anything but to prove that he could, leaving a half bottle of whiskey and a highball glass on Lord Hiram's table.

No one is really sure if it was Niz who stole Gellenent's heart, or if Mer, ever the epicurean of demihuman pleasures, found the best piece he ever had. Regardless, they are never seen together, but it is obvious to the guild they are inseparable, as they do share a home hidden on Thieve's Row. The things that Gellenent liberates from the dungeon or rival guilds invariably end up decorating the night goblin. Likewise, people who speak ill of Mer find themselves suddenly afraid of the dark or decide to silence their tongues.

The two are legally wed and are both working towards triggering Niz's evolution to a Night Hobgoblin.

7. Blememgel and Cosmator Cosmarnian

Blememgel is an aspiring Lady of Great Terrasquestone, complete with the current fashion of the city, the proper ostentatious jewelry, invitations to all the right parties and balls, and a premium subscription to Firethorn's Tea. She is also a five foot tall goblin with vitiligo (her normal green skin is blotchy with orange coloration around her mouth, eyes, hands, etc), a penchant for wearing increasingly ridiculous wigs and having knockers large enough that she generally keeps a maidservant with her at all times to hand her things. As the wife of Lord Cosmarnian, she is afforded every right and privilege in the city as the populace is generally intimidated enough by her Lord Husband to not let any sort of prejudice or joke slip.

Lord Cosmator 'Cosmo' Cosmarnian is a Lord of Terrasquestone, and owns a great deal of land, a keep in the inner city, and is one of the Grand Captains of the Geolured Terraskiers, one of the preeminent mercenary companies based in the great city. He is an antisocial man who is the happiest when commanding an army from the saddle, defending his beloved city, sacking other cities, and burning the countryside of his opponents. He never had an interest in the dungeons, considered adventurers to be wasteful and demanding, and that the future was who dominated the surface. He has forcefully been retired from active service due to injuries received and healed in the field. He can no longer ride, has a hard time walking, and now prefers to spend his time managing his keep, the finances of the Orange Spears (Geolured Terraskiers), and penning military biographies, histories, and his own private fiction collection.

To the Lord and Lady Cosmarnian, their display is an enormous prank they are playing on the city. Blememgel has worked to make her dresses more needlessly complicated and difficult to fit and wear since the more following middle and low ladies of the city copied her fashion. She also had to do a bit of work with bustiers, corsets, and other garments for support as she has, frankly, enormous breasts. Her favorite is currently a secret magic wardrobe item known as Blememgel's Invisible Brassier. As most haute fashion generally leans towards showing as much if not all of a woman's breasts as possible and having massive pendulous breasts might not be so flattering, the invisible brassier as its name says, is completely invisible but holds her massive knockers at proper attention. What she also enjoys is completely concealing her nipples (those are only for my lord's eyes) with petite pasties, or ambaroletes. The wigs started as a submission to human conceits, goblins don't grow facial or body hair, and a bald-headed green woman with large ears was generally unsettling in court, and there was no way that trend was going to take off. After the dresses started getting copied, Blememgel started making her wigs larger, more ornate, and then ridiculous, even having the wigmakers put things like a small cage with a bird in her wig. She is the socialite bodyguard for Lord Cosmo, and he keeps her in a fashion that no goblin can even imagine.

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