Every city, town, or large village will have businesses. Some will be inns, some stores, some people providing a service. They are all places for characters to get what they need, spend money, and a chance for the GM to hook the PCs into a new plotline. So we are looking for distinct establishments, ready to be pushed in a not-yet-complete place.
On August 10, 2004, 08:10:01 PM I realize we needed places to go with our new locations. Players need to go places to do things. 1227 views later, the thread is now over on v2.0
Every city, town, or large village will have businesses. Some will be inns, some stores, some people providing a service. They are all places for characters to get what they need, spend money, and a chance for the GM to hook the PCs into a new plotline. So we are looking for distinct establishments, ready to be pushed in a not-yet-complete place.
Stores/ Shops
Merchant Stalls
Barbers/ Dentists/
Bath houses
Market Places
Article Codex
Locations • Establishment • Any
It was a single store that sold a variety of good made by a variety of people. It was such a novel concept that most people will dislike it. "It is just not the way we do things around here", they would say. Yet they still buy things here.
Locations • Establishment • Any
Should we fail to deliver a good promised within seven days, whence it arrives it shall be delivered free of all charges.
Baldric and Frog's Semaine Promise
Locations • Establishment • Any
This is a Tea and Klah shop on the corner of two large streets. The streets meet at an odd angle, so the Corner Klah is a odd pie wedge shaped establishment. It has a few chairs and small table outside for patrons to avoid the noise inside for the noise outside.
Locations • Establishment • Any
'Bristlebane ale. Tall.'
Mathus looked up. He didn't recognize the man ordering, but he seemed the type: muscles beneath a layer of fat, a snarling expression with most of his teeth missing, fists like summer hams. 'You want it in a bottle?'
'From the tap.'
Mathus nodded. 'This way,' he said, stepping from behind the bar and into the back room, the 'customer' following.
A fresh-faced young man sitting at the bar looked around, confused. 'Bristlebane? Sounds adventurous.'
'You couldn't handle it, son,' an older man said from across the plank bar with a hint of derision. 'It'd right kick your ass.'
Locations • Establishment • Other
There are scummy dives, and then there is The Rotten Bastard.
Locations • Establishment • Any
Adventurers love sharp objects: knives, swords, spear tips, arrow heads, and so on. So where do they go to get these items? A sharpshop, that is where.
Locations • Establishment • Any
This tavern is the place-to-be establishment of Shorenar Vas, a bustling riverside trade town of Veldea. Each night the tavern packs full of practically every man with a heavy pocket and a round stomach in the town. Should you be in the area, there's no place better for some good slop and a quick flop than the Golden Frog.
Locations • Establishment • Other
The Returning Gem buys and sells goods, like a good pawn shop should.
Locations • Establishment • Forest/ Jungle
In the words of the Great Bard Taslinus Excellencus . . . yet on entering The Embassy one is conscious of calm and complete beauty echoing the mood of majesty and peace that is the essential quality of The Valley and Greater Elven Kingdom. . . . against a background of forest and precipice the architect has nestled the great structure of granite, scaling his design with sky and space and stone. To the interior all ornamentation has been confined, and therein lies a miracle of color and design. The Ancient Elven motifs, primitive yet timeless, are supreme . . . . The designs are stylized with tasteful sophistication; decidedly Ancient Elven, yet decidedly more than Elf, they epitomize the involved and intricate symbolism of Man . . .
Locations • Establishment • Any
Finghaart's sausages hasn't moved since its founding. For all its reknown, it is quite a poor neighborhood.
Locations • Establishment • Other
This tavern and common house (restaurant) looks like any other quaint building in the area. It is a good sized common house, serving upto 50 people comfortably. The Stinking Rose gets its name by the primary ingredient for its food - Garlic.
Locations • Establishment • Tundra/ Arctic
Felim collapsed into the snow, exhausted. It felt like it would be the last fall this time, his limbs stiffening and flesh numb. The adventurer had heard of natives that thrived out here, men who slew bears and made coats of seal fur. But who could build anything out here...?
Just as he felt light start to fade, Felim cast his gaze up to see the sky one last time. He was startled - or would have been, if his body had the energy - to see a furred hood and a leathery face with a toothless grin. 'Ho there, brother!' it spoke. 'You came to just the right place.'
Locations • Establishment • Any
Silver Thread's shop is a tailors shop. The shop mistress and her crew can produce a wide variety of local styled clothing in a wide variety of local cloths. While most clothes are always custom made, Silver Thread's shop actually has premade clothing.
Locations • Establishment • Any
Brownworks is a leatherworking shop and store. It is not much to look at from the outside. You know it is a leather shop the moment you open the door.
Locations • Establishment • Any
It is not really a field, but an arena of sorts for local games. It seems to be the most important part of town, at least to some.
Locations • Plains • Establishment
A popular roadside establishment in the verdant hills and fields of Stalimsoth, the Red Rakda is famous for it's namesake, and also as a meeting place for the secretive Blue Cloaks.
Locations • Establishment • Swamp
Bogmoors has been here for 721 years. It started with an ale stop for the Imperial invaders. From there it has been a similar stop for every wave of invaders since then, as well as every local for a good walk's distance.
Locations • Establishment • Any
A closed fist and an open palm can solve all problems, at least according to the Jack of Irons. If you walk into this tavern, you might just receive both.
Locations • Establishment • Forest/ Jungle
Despite the name, no metal working is currently done here. It is a restaurant of some repute.
Locations • Establishment • Any
Located in the lower part of the community, Pernouds is the epitome of sleazey establishments. The floors are dirty and smell of excretement, urine, and worse. The chairs are ramshackle built, and the tables are all in poor shape.
Locations • Establishment • Any
Maybe you should go find Outsiders, your kind isn't welcome around here...
Local taunt.
Locations • Establishment • Any
Guild Stations are found in almost every town and city. They serve several functions. No matter what the local buildings are like, they have distinctive red doors and a lamp that is always kept burning to its right.
Locations • Establishment • Any
Argus is like most of the carter's in the city. He works out of one of the inns, where they actually prepare the food. (It is loaded into the cart there and kept warm by stoked coals and ash.) The Blue Rose carts are served by a consortium of inns, while a bit more expensive than standard cart food is well worth the price.
Locations • Establishment • Water
The temple/ church in this sea side town is just another one. It is part of the common faith for the region. You might not give it a second glance. But if you are a worker of the sea, it is the holiest of shrines.
Locations • Establishment • Any
Since there is only one Glass Works in the city, there is really no need for a name. This seems unimportant to the adventurers, yet it has an impact upon the city.
Locations • Establishment • Water
This is your traditional water wheel mill. It is a large grey painted building, next to a river. It has a history though that most people do not know.
Locations • Establishment • Any
On the intersection of Noble Avenue and First Street lies Kandorr's Fine Perfumery. The shop occupies the entire building which is built in a classical style with majestic marble pillars and stylish stained glass windows.
Locations • Establishment • Any
Every city, town, or large village will have businesses. Some will be inns, some stores, and some people providing a service. And then there are some places that are not common and so out of the ordinary that we leave them off when describing a city. This codex will help with turning the mundane into the magnificent.
Locations • Establishment • Any
This alchemy shop has two faces - its above ground establishment which serves the general public with the typical love potions, cure-alls and whatnote, and a ‘secret' below-ground operation which is where the real action is...
Locations • Establishment • Any
DiCarrigan's Den has the appearance of a 'common house', but it is actually a club. Only those who are members (having paid their dues to the house. Their they gamble, drink, and socialize in proper splender.
Locations • Establishment • Any
The Purple Bowl is a very nice place in a very bad part of town. From the outside, it seems like nothing but a grungy tavern. The inside reveals much more.
Organizations • Criminal/Espionage • Area
The House of the Duck is a well visited establishment, known for the quality of it's wine and the clean and friendly vivaciousness of its workin' gals.
Locations • Establishment • Any
The city is large enough, and filled with enough nobles and rich merchants, that it can support a number of "frivolous businesses". Thus Garden in the City is the first Florist in the city (heck... in The Land).
Locations • Establishment • Any
The Silver Chalice is the shop (and market stall) where Fredius Cancian of Amar sells his fine wines. His wines are a bit pricey, but worth the cost as they are generally better than the local wines. (note: He sells finer local wines as well, just they are few and far between).
Locations • Establishment • Other
Long ago it was the 'Sleeping Bull' or something, but everybody calls it The Chimney nowadays. All because of the atmosphere, it is thicker than the soup they serve here, as some patrons like to claim.
Locations • Establishment • Any
It is an unassuming brick building. However, it is made assuming because it is surrounded by more traditional timber and plaster buildings. There are no windows and a very plain door. On the door is incribed the name of the establishment Zenorcans. Almost no one knows what goes on in there.
Locations • Establishment • Any
The Hostel of the Silent Brotherhood is a small hostel in the dock quarters of town. The Hostel is popular among scribes and scholars who value silence. In addition it is valued by those who are on the run, for the brotherhood consists mainly of skilled warriors adept at fighting with staves and maces.
Locations • Establishment • Other
The Main Sail Smiths is a business of renown in the Known World. The shop is the premire sail maker for the Northern part of ThirdLand.
Locations • Establishment • Any
Helioglyph (his magical name) is a Talismonger, a maker of charms, talismans, holy items, and so on. This is the place where those seeking fine craftsmanship and good symbolism come. If you are looking for enchanted items, go elsewhere.
Locations • Establishment • Any
It is a colorful shop, full of dolls, puppets, mannequins, small statues, and other things that are just "shadows" of a human. That is what this shop sells.
Locations • Establishment • Other
The Food Shack is one of those little holes in the wall that you would either miss or want to avoid. It is also 'the place' to have Kenditho.
Locations • Establishment • Any
Cashmirius's is one of the finest cafes in the city. It is does not have a large indoor seating area. The small tables with their crisp creme linens are crowded with stools. If you sit inside, the host will often sit other people you don't know at your table. This is great for meeting new people, but it is tough if you are trying to have a private talk.
Locations • Establishment • Other
The Full Goblet is a modest-sized, working-class tavern (public house), run by Hilgar. Hilgar is a bit over the hill and shabby, as is the general establishment. However, good solid fare at a decent value, and a regular and noisy clientele, keep the place in business, and the bar is also well-situated to bring in travellers.
Locations • Establishment • Any
Which is worse - a foolish mage or a drunken wizard? When halfmage Rolan Haraweir settled down to found a tavern in the Jewel City, this question became the basis for its name. The answer is still hotly debated over steaming mugs of spice-wine to this day.
Locations • Establishment • Any
Wizard's Shop? Where's the Magic Shop? What sort of rubbish are you going on about sir?
Locations • Establishment • Any
Nestled in between the other vendors and shops in the market is a small shop, humble in appearance, yet exclusive in clientele...
Locations • Establishment • Any
The Local Barron does not own this business, but he certain keeps it in business. It was named in his honor by two (now old) men who realized that non wizard generated cold drinks and foods could be profitable. In doing such, they have literally change the country.
Locations • Establishment • Any
Many think gold and silk are the way to wealth, but people always need to eat and they hate to eat the "same old bland thing". Thus they will always buy herbs, spices, and salt.
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? Responses (5)
Things to do, people to see, cool stuff to buy. Everything you need for an adventurer, someplace to seperate them from their hard earned booty.
Man when you said you were busy on this site, you meant it.
Yes, we are busy here and we are many. This site has quite a number of jewels hidden within and this codex here is the perfect example.
If anyone need to insert a generic location into your evenings session, but do not have the time to prepare (or you just want a good premade location), dive into this thread and harvest of its bounty!
This is amazing. There are enough shops, taverns, and halls here to keep a character entertained for months. An invaluable resource to anyone who wants to stuff their cities with tons of interesting, charming, and detailed venues.
A true Strolenite masterpiece!
A honorary BUMP to an amazing list of locations. May there be even more.
An exceptional codex. Definately needs more love.