Crystal of Soul Possession
This crystal looks like just another babble, like a multifaceted lead glass paperweight found in any stationary store. This hides its sinister purpose
Full Item Description
A multifaceted lead glass paperweight found in any stationary store. It is palm sized.
A common enough ancient enchantment, if you study dark tomes. The origins of the spells are lost to the depths of history. The triggers for said items are normally 'evil', those that are selfish. That negative emotional energy is the tiny bit of energy needed to release the effect.
Magic/Cursed Properties
By holding this crystal so you can see it and another person, and having envy or greed or evil intent in your heart, you can trap the target's soul in the crystal. The person in question becomes a souless shadow of themselves. They act like themselves, but without the 'spark'. They are dull, unimaginative, and fairly unemotional. By concentrating hard on the crystal, you can take control of the souless one's body. The process is somewhat taxing, but can be done for hours at a time. The soul trapped inside the crystal empowers the magics, so eventually it can be worn down. If another is taken into the crystal before the first one is gone, the soul is kicked out as a ghost. It may or may not find its way back to its body, it all depends on the abilities of the soul.
A pity this crystal looks like a multifaceted lead glass paperweight found in any stationary store. It can be kept in plain site and nobody will know.
A greter pity is that you can stuff your own soul in it, if you catch your reflection in the crystal and stare at it long enough (with evil thoughts in your mind).
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? Responses (8)
Hehe. PC, 'Im bored so I stare at that paperweight over there.' GM, 'You stare at it for a little while, suddenly you're staring out of it.' Cause think about it, what PC doesn't act evily at some point or another.
4 cause cool has four letters.
Updated: corrected punctuation.
5/5-I want one of these!
An essential and basic item of the evil villian's arsenal.
It is a great piece in the Evil Cultist inventory. Sooo many uses...
Oh and thank you for the HoH
i give this a 5/5 it's absolutely brilliant.
sssooooo many uses the fun is endless for GM's and PC's who like a bit of a dark twist in ther game.
Its Perrrrfect.
*Wrings hand menacingly...*