
Includes: Appearance, Toxin Information, Harvesting and Uses, Signs, Plot-Hooks.

The Basics

Appearance: Thick dark-green moss that forms at the water-line around mangroves.

Early Stages (Growth): Covers the first foot or two of the mangrove and leeches some nutrients from the tree.

Moderate Stages (Growth): Usually takes a few decades to reach these stages. Leeches most nutrients from mangroves and causes tree-decay, allowing Clypse to infest inside the mangrove. Outer-appearance doesn't differ from Early Stages.

Later Stages (Growth): Most of the tree is decayed and broken apart with Clypse infested on the inside and outside. When the mangrove reaches a certain point of deterioration, it's bark and branches break apart, allowing Clypse to become waterborn.

Waterborn Stages: Waterborn Clypse is Clypse floating on driftwood. This is how Clypse spreads throughout mangroves. Extremely deteriorated Clypse-infested mangroves create immobile pools filled with waterborn Clypse. These are called dead-pools.

Death: When Clypse begins to die, it becomes very slimey. When Clypse does die, it turns into a very white dried moss.

Toxin: When Clypse uses nutrients, it produces a toxic chemical byproduct. This toxin is often gaseous, but when Clypse is under-water, it's released into the water. The concentration of the toxin depends on the exposed surface-area. Moderate concentrations produce a very light yellow haze. High concentrations produce a thick orange haze.

Transmission: The effects of Clypse can be transmitted through inhaling the toxin, drinking the toxin in water, or eating Clypse. Minor effects can be caused by ingesting dead Clypse.

Effects (Inhaled): Early Stages (Low Concentration): Free-Floating Anxiety, Minor Paranoia; Moderate Stages (Moderate Concentration): Persistent Paranoid and Persecutory Delusions, Free-Floating Anxiety; Late Stages (High Concentrations): Auditory/Visual Hallucinations, Persistent Paranoid and Persecutory Delusions, Free-Floating Anxiety, Reduced Inhibitions; Dead-pools (Extremely-High Concentrations): Severe Panic, Auditory/Visual/Olfactory Hallucinations, Persistent Paranoid and Persecutory Delusions, Heightened Anxiety, Reduced Inhibitions.

Effects (Eaten): Small Dose (Living or Recently Dead): Auditory/Visual/Olfactory Hallucinations, Paranoid and Persecutory Delusions, Panic-Attacks and Anxiety, Reduced Inhibitions, Restlessness, Hyperactivity, Unawareness of Bodily Needs; Large Dose (Living or Recently Dead): Same as the Small Dose, except usually resulting in death within an hour or two from Heart-Attack or Ruptured Blood Vessel in the Brain; Dead Clypse (Eaten): Minor Auditory Hallucinations, Paranoia, Hyperactivity; Dead Clypse (Snorted): Minor Auditory/Visual Hallucinations, Paranoia, Hyperactivity.

Effects (Drank): Low Concentration: Nausea; Moderate Concentration: Nausea, Conflicted Feelings of Drowsiness and Anxiety; High Concentration: Hyperactivity, Unawareness of Bodily Needs; Extremely-High Concentration: Auditory/Visual/Olfactory Hallucinations, Paranoid and Persecutory Delusions, Panic-Attacks and Anxiety, Reduced Inhibitions, Restlessness, Hyperactivity, Unawareness of Bodily Needs.

Prolonged Exposure: Prolonged Exposure is likely to cause Brain-Damage, and can cause individuals to become addicted and suffer withdrawals when exposure ceases.

Common Causes of Death: Violent Killings (From others affected), Suicide, Heart-Attacks, Ruptured Blood Vessels (Namely, those in the brain), Over-exertion, Sleep-Deprivation, Starvation.

Limiting Factors: Requires specific temperature, access to water, access to sun-light, and tree-like material to attach to.

Removal: Changes in temperature, access to water, access to sun-light, or by removing trees (usually by fire). These methods often affect all nature when put into effect however.

Removal by Fire: Removal by Fire can causes harmful effects, allowing Clypse to burn into thick clouds of highly-concentrated toxins that travel for miles before dispersing. Isn't effective against waterborn Clypse.

Harvesting: Clypse is harvested by plying the bark off the tree. Scraping the Clypse off releases concentrated toxins. Clypse is usually harvested in early stages, but a harvester may accidentally ply bark off a mangrove revealing moderate stages of Clypse, creating more surface area and releasing more toxins. In moderate stages, released toxins inside the mangroves may condense into a pure form of the toxin. Harvesters can drill at the bottom of these trees and syphon it. Dead Clypse is scrapped or plyed off mangroves and collected from waterborn Clypse. Late-Stages and Dead-pools are scarcely ever sought after, as it becomes too dangerous. The exception would be dead-pool water, if collected from a run-off far away from the dead-pool.

Uses: Poisons, Hallucinogenic Drugs (Eaten or Ground and Snorted), Alchemy, and Rituals.


-Settlements where violent-killings and suicides are the cause of death, or where starvation, heart-attacks, sleep-deprivation, and similar symptoms are the cause of death.

-Areas where animals are running rampant at unusual hours, dying from starvation despite clear food sources, or overly violent.

-Shores bordering mangrove forests where a shipwreck or multiple shipwrecks exist(s).

-Mangrove forests with a light yellow or thick orange haze.


-The adventurers are to investigate the cause of an abandoned settlement or shipwreck of which unusual deaths are the cause.

-The adventurers are captured by a group of bandits along with a number of other prisoners that are being lead through a Clypse-infested area, only to find that the bandits have gone mad and turn on one another. Taking the opportunity to their advantage, they and the other prisoners must find an escape while coping with the effects of the Clypse.

-The adventurers are paid to escort a Clypse harvester to a Clypse infested area, but things turn bad when the harvester accidentally removes the bark from a moderately-infested tree, causing the harvester to fall ill. When the adventurers set up camp to give the harvester a moment of much-needed rest, things turn worse due to a warring native-tribe moving into the area with intentions to kill and loot the adventurers.

-The adventurers are asked to go deep down into the depths of an ancient temple that exists beneath a dead-pool, famed to have one of the only accessible concentrated clypse-infested water-sources, to retrieve a bottle from the dead-pool run-off.

-The adventurers look into a series of killings of similar nature, caused by fast-acting vile poisons. They eventually discover the poisons are linked back to a very particular mangrove forest with a clypse-infested forest hidden deep within, with a band of assassains behind contract-killings. The band of assassains are well-known respected people, so they must be taken out privately. The best place to do it is to ambush them on their return to the forest.

Detailed Information

Information is to be re-written soon.

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