Bayaallatalstonescha is a beautiful city. That by itself is not saying much, as all Elventi cities are beautiful. Bayaallatalstonescha is called beautiful by Elventi, one of the few places they actually apply that term to. It is on level peak on a tall mountain not too far from the shore. In fact, on a clear day, one can see the ocean from appropriate places in the city.

The HomeTrees of the city are enhanced Redwoods and Sequoias. To say they are tall and large does not do them justice. No HomeTrees are larger and thicker in all the Elventi world. While they do not spread out like other home trees, they are quite tall... ten to fifteen levels are quite common, rather than the standard three to six. (That is to say they have ten to fifteen 'floors' where buildings are nestled in their large branches, huts are snugged to the outside bark, and rooms are nestled into the trunk itself, and other tree shaping spaces, including branches that serve as paths, rope pathways, and the occasional stairs).

The HomeTrees are built to emulate a redwood cathedral, where a nearly perfectly round meadow exists where the now gone central tree has spawned eight to twelve offspring around it. From the internal central ring, there are five other rings outward. Each ring has younger and shorter HomeTrees (who's growth is slightly arrested to make sure you can still see beyond the city from every ring).

Most of the Key Paths are circular, two for each ring, with occasional branch paths linking the rings. Of course you could walk along the ground to reach the center of the city, but then you would find the hidden traps that are both well crafted and cunningly effective.

There is one stone arch at the edge of the city. The stairs that rise up from it are guarded. It is the only way in or out of the city with known safety.

It inner ring of the city is lit by many directed Glowspheres, the light dimming slightly as the night goes on. There is an occasional Elflight spread through out the city at night as well.

The city is nice, such that it is. The very center of the city... the center of the cathedral is what makes it special. It is a tower like no other in the world.

The Base is a grey black stone, two maybe three levels tall. It is circular and wider than the widest redwood based HomeTrees, some twelve Elventi across. It has a few runes, reminiscent of HearthStone inscriptions. Extending from the base, some seven levels up, is a column of blue water. Inside this water are living fish, otters, seaweed, and an entire ocean ecology. So skillfully was it created that it takes no magic other than to slightly warm the water (and lighting it slightly during the night) and keep it in place, to maintain this aquatic forest. It was created to pay homage to the great living bay just off the coast that can be seen on a clear day. Those of the first few inner rings vie for locations that a glimpse or view of the livngskyshea or beautiful blue tower.

(In modern terms, the center tower is an aquarium some sixty feet in diameter and one hundred feet tall).

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