Full Item Description
It appears to be a large chamberpot, heavily made. It has an exceptionally thick bottom.

Note: Nobody calls it a Chamberpot of Holy Blessings. It is just another chamberpot.

It appears to be a large chamberpot, heavily made. It has an exceptionally thick bottom. If one is alligned with the Darkness (or your soul is heading there because of your acts), it provides you a serious venerial disease. If you are not alligned with the Darkness, it will cure said disorders or any issue having to do with bowel or urinary movements.

Why is this an Evil Item you ask?

The Pot was made to be part of an Evil Rite. Incorporated into the thick bottom of the pot is The Holy Symbol of Kriteris. This holy item, which contains bone fragments of the Great Ascended Cleric Kriteris, is a legendary relic. It has great healing powers if touched to the right body parts AND provides additional holy energies to any who believe who wield it. The cultists were going to attack the faith of Kriteris by utilizing the pot ritually. The pot is also enchanted to hide the item's presence. But something happened. Anyone who knew where the item was, had a small adventurer accident. Now this great relic is currently lost to time.

Magic/Cursed Properties
See Above

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