Broad Oaks are just that, Oaks that tend towards great width than height, more so than most oaks. The Broad Oak branches are longer, more gnarled, than most oak branches. (These gnarls will often catch fur and fabric of creatures brushing against them as well.) They also tend to fork multiple times near their ends. While they do appear in groves, they will 'randomly' appear in any oak forest.

The Broad Oak has a broader root 'sphere' than most oaks. Like the branches, the roots fork more than regular oak roots. Many of these roots will run along the surface. They create a 'bramble' or area where the dirt under the roots has eroded slightly. This make excellent nesting areas for rodents, snakes (many poisonous), and other small animals. It also makes great places for animals and people walking and running through the area to trip and break their ankles. Of course, in a panic most people will entangle themselves in the other surface roots of the bramble.

In half light or low light, Broad Oaks branches appear more menacing... more spoooky... ent-like. This is not aided by the fact that owls and tree orriented cats tend towards living in them. (Giving glowing eyes in the half light).

Additional Information
How this will play out.... One broad oak with an owl will act like a scary tree. People back up and get 'touched' by a low gnarled branch... grabbing them. They will then run away encountering a larger bramble zone and have to make multiple tripping and falling rolls.

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