Full Description :
The alerion is similar to an eagle but larger. Its feathers are orange and red, nearly the color of fire, and its wings have sharp edges similar to the edge of a blade. It feeds on fruits and berries but prefers fresh meat. It is very intelligent and will often hunt in packs of three or four to pull down large enough game for the whole nest to feed.

The alerion are very majestic birds, even while hunting they fly in well formed patterns that compliment the use of their blade like wings. They swoop down and instead of slowing their flight to claw with their talons, they continue by striking with the edge of a wing. Most birds that have frail and hollowed wings would be injured by such an attack, but the alerion were born for this manner of hunting.

Myths and tales of the alerion to be the children of the gods are told around many small villages and fires. Because of their coloring they are thought to be from the sun itself, the mythical phoenix perhaps of legend that could heal with a single desire. No alerion has been known to truly heal someone, but to see one is thought to be good luck. Many a traveler has given boon and praise to the alerion for guiding their path to a safe camp in a time of need. To follow the flight of an alerion is suppose to find good tidings at the end, whether it is gold or something else is speculated as everyone who has ‘followed’ an alerion have returned with different stories of their finds.

Being that they are larger than the average eagle, with a wingspan of approximately 12 feet and a body that is approximately 5’6” they are a sight to see. Because of their size they need an increase in food consumption they prey on larger animals. While fish and small dogs are sufficient for a normal eagle clutch, deer, boar, and a slow wolf or two are what the alerion hunt. With their swift dives they can cut their prey quickly and be gone before a retaliatory attack and answer. With three or four of the alerion working together they can take down larger animals such as small bears or even elk.

They do not slice pieces of their prey off and eat, but instead attack it until it is too weak to flee or fight. When the animal is down, they swoop in and pick their meal apart, leaving a one or two other behind to protect their kill as the other return home with food for their family.

When two alerion choose a mate it is for life. When the female dies from during her time of laying eggs the male will never choose another mate. Instead he will be regulated to protecting the rest of the clutch.

Additional Information :
It is seen as an overseer of the avian world as other birds tend to be subservient to it at times. Because of their dominant nature, they seem to be able to direct other birds to work for them. They will often times have other birds collect fruit for their offspring and nesting to repair their homes.

The alerion are very protective of their own kind, especially of their young. Because a female only lays eggs once in their lifetime they can be very aggressive when it comes to their offspring. When the female is sixty years old, the female lays four eggs, which take sixty days to hatch. When the young are born, the female, accompanied by a small retinue of other birds, fly to the sea, plunge in to the depths, and drown. The male and the others return to the nest to care for the young alerion until they are old enough to fly. This cycle happens over and over. Out of the four eggs, at least two of them are females.

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