The Naartok, Ice Giants, are to be feared and respected Kangel. This is their land, and here they are king. The wolves bow to them, the white bears give them passage and even the Nikpartok, the white worms, pay them respect. You would do well to heed the wisdom of the wolves

Naaht, Atarian Snow-Guide

Full Description
The Ice Giants have beeen described in grandiose terms, giants made of ice, men with the musculature of bulls and the stern demeanor of winter storms, to the white skinned giants who have rime-frosted beards and live only for the endless winter of the north and the fury of battle. The truth is certainly quite different than the bards of the southlands would expect, though no less formidable.

The Naartok, as the local folk of Atar call the Ice Giants, are river dwellers. Each is a massive mammal, easily surpassing five to eight tons in weight and covered in a dense coat of oily hair. Under this dense hair is a thick hide that in turn covers an insulating layer of blubber nearly a foot thick. This gives the Naartok both it's name, as naartok equates out to obese, or fat one, as well as a nearly inpenetrable defence.

The head of an Ice Giant distantly resembles that of a pig, as it has a pronounced snout, small ears and anywhere from two to six thick tusks sticking up from it's jaw. The eyes are quite small, and the Naartoks are known for their poor eyesight. They are also known for their superior sense of smell, notorious bad temper, and their avid dislike of anything human.

Additional Information
Living the hyperborean north, the Naartok are woolly hippopotami. Using their mass they break the rive ice and actually help the local ecology by keeping the larger rivers open and flowing. Quite a bit larger than terrestrial hippos, these giants feed primarily on water plants, fish and foraging from riverfront plant life. If a winter does get too deep and fierce, they will persue living prey but this is rare as the fat reserves that the Naartok builds up over the summer can sustain it for more than a month without food of any sort.

As an apex herbivore, the only things that normally preys on the Naartok are the boldest of worg packs, and these only go for sick or injured specimens. The Atarian locals will hunt the rare Naartok if their shamen guide them to do so, or if one of the giants threatens a community than cannot easily relocate. The Nikpartok, or the White Dragons, are the only creature that can make a habit of hunting Naartok for regular sustainence, but it is worth noting that only mature adult dragons will attempt this feet as the Naartok is adept at defending itself and its tusks can gravely wound a younger and less experienced dragon.

The main mode of Naartok attack is the ambush, as most of the time, the giant will be found in the water, it's white fur hiding it like so mush slush and ice floating on the surface. Anyone entering it's territory that isnt a Naartok of the opposite gender will cause the giant to become aggresive. Rather than simply charging out of the water, it will watch and determine how to put the foe at the greatest disadvantage. When facing humans, a Naartok will attack and push the humans into the water if it can, where most humans will quickly succumb to near freezing temperatures in mere minutes.

Plot Hooks

  • Great White Hunters - Having tracked the Dingus/Villian into the great northern expanses, the PCs encounter the eskimo-like Atarians. The natives warn the PCs about crossing into the land of the Ice Giants. The Bold PCs embark and are ambushed by one of the giants and in the process loose many of their supplies and southern luxuries. Can they survive in a bitter and hostile land?
  • Have Spear, Will Travel - For some reason, it has become imperative that the PCs gain the respect and good will of the Atarian peoples. (See above for villian/dingus) The goal set to the PCs is to track and hunt a rogue Naartok that is threatening a nearby village. The PCs gain the local's good will if they are able to slay the giant, but if they are able to move the giant without killing it, they will gain both the good will, and respect of the local people.
  • She Wants a What!!! - A decadent princess to the south has decided that for her bridal gift she wants a Naartok. The paramour/knight gathers the PCs for the incredible task of trekking across the continent to hunt a creature they know next to nothing about, and bring it back alive. More mayhem ensues with bringing it back, adapting to a hotter climate, feeding the creature and the like. What will the princess think when she encounters the Naartok and it isnt quite the furry plush thing from her nurse's stories?

  • I want a hippopotamus for Christmas, only a hippopotamus will do!

    naartok, n - obese, native term for ice giants

    Kangel, adj, n - Foolish, Fool

    Nikpartok, n - white dragon

    Worg, n - dire wolf native to tundra regions

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