“ A world based not on light and dark in conflict, but light and dark in balance. A world governed by a giver and a taker, rather than a creator and a destroyer. A world where evil is as much a corruption of light as it is darkness. Conflict arises out of a will to upset the balance.”
“ A cult's theology is binding on the god involved: it is possible for that god to believe (and <b>see</b>, just like Winston Smith in 1984) that other gods are mythical, or jumped-up demons, or failing older spirits, even while those gods actually exist and thrive and act in the cosmos, even while working against him.”
“ Just imagine a powder, that could make thing eatable (like swords or rocks).Try it an it will be verry funny.Just imagine..characters will need to get some information from someone. And if he will saw, as one PC is eating his sword.”