Full Item Description
The Zhalinth Deshar is a flat tablet made of specially prepared and fired clay. It is generally 1.5 to 2 inches thick, and no larger than two or three hand-spans in dimension. The surface is marked with deep holes and labyrinthine impressions that lead from the holes to the central hole in the middle of the tablet. As a clay tablet, it is rather easy to shatter and somewhat heavy.

The elves, being long of years, sometimes are burdened with memories they no longer wish to keep. This could be as little as a romantic tryst gone sour, or memories of a century-long war that decimated kin and country. The original Zhalinth Deshar are Memory stones, each one capable of holding the memories that are willingly placed in it. These tablets can be used many times, the memories being replayed over and over. Typically, a memory stone can have a number of memories stored in it, which removes them from the person who wishes to rid themselves of them. A person holds a stone in various positions, their fingers touching different patterns in the stone. A Zhalinth Deshar can be used by almost any sentient being, though it works best for elves, then humans. It works very poorly for humanoids such as lizardfolk, merfolk, and so on.

Magic/Cursed Properties
Not all Zhalinth Deshar work as intended, and some are the products of malicious intent, others simply poorly made. There are a variety of known defective Zhalinth Deshar.

Memory Stealer - This damaged Zhalinth Deshar was mis-made by the artisan and enchanter. It stores memories but does not return them when bidden to. This is the most common sort of defective Zhalinth Deshar, and they are broken by the artisans to prevent their misuse.

Empty Soul - This is one of the rarest of defects, caused by a critical failure on the part of the maker. These Zhalinth Deshar have the nasty ability to consume all the memories of someone trying to deposit them. Deprived of all memories, the elf is left an Empty Soul. With some work and a great deal of time, the elf in question can be normalized to society. The process is similar to that of stroke victims in relearning basic motor functions and language skills.

Trickster - Made with malicious intend, the Trickster is like an Empty Soul, but after consuming all the memories in a host, it replaces them with the memories of the last person who was wiped by it. This leaves a new persona in a new body. It is believed that the origin of this type came from a dark elf seeking to gain a new body, leaving his behind and taking that of the next person to hold the tablet.

Tablet of Confusion - This tablet, poorly made, does not work as intended. While it holds and restores memories, those memories are damaged and degraded, often out of sequence or scrambled.

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