The characters are wasps from the devastated nest of Ys'drktha. The other survivors from the cataclysm are being held and tortured in the pits of the neighbouring Ak'thaan nest, being slowly dismembered and eaten by drone wasps or fed to the writhing masses of larvae.
The characters are wasps from the devastated nest of Ys'drktha. The other survivors from the cataclysm are being held and tortured in the pits of the neighbouring Ak'thaan nest, being slowly dismembered and eaten by drone wasps or fed to the writhing masses of larvae.
There are many possibilities for adventure. For example:
# rescuing the survivors from Ak'thaan,
# discovering what really caused the cataclysm which destroyed their nest,
# avenging themselves on the Destroyers (who ever they might be).
Roleplaying wasps might be difficult, but it means the PCs can fly and attack with stings (allow biting and leg-to-leg combat in case the sting is severed). It would be interesting to see what kind of characters developed from this role-reversal where the typically evil wasp becomes the hero.
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? Responses (9)
Wow. Could you share some of whatever you're smoking?
The wasp thing is not a bad idea, but it is definately a strange one. I remember I had great fun role-playing a dog in a chatroom over several months, so roleplaying an animal could be quite fun, if done well.
First thing, how do they communicate? Telepathy is a cheap cop-out, they just talk like normal and it doesn't add anything to the adventure. You could possibly have them communicate with pheremones (scents) as I remember something about that being how they actually communicate. Cinnominy scents for anger, flowery for attraction, and so on. Set up a little set of guidelines so the players will be able to interpret what the other players are trying to say.
Another possibility would be to have the wasps be Giant Wasps and, through some mage's experiments, can talk now. They could be refugees of the destruction of their home and ask the players for help. This way is more traditional, but still an interesting exposure to an alien way of life.
This is a very unique idea. It sounds fun to me, but might the Destroyers be human? Wouldn't that be nearly impossible for the wasps to defeat? Or maybe it's a sort of kamikaze mentality?
This can possibly be an adventure for a humanoid group:
Say the attack happened as described. Adventurers find the giant wasp hive, either by chance or purpose (say some alchemist wanted some special ingredient). Luckily, all that wasps are killed. But deep in the hive the queen remains, left behind to starve. If attacked, she transforms them into wasps, to serve her till she has enough children and the hive is full again, or they free her servants.
If you feel evil, the magic she uses is based on the pheromones. It is only a charm, so they only believe they are wasps! (cannot use their wings much, so their imagined flight is limited...)
I like the idea but you should expand on this a lot more. Peace.
You know, I've been roleplaying a while, and I've scarcely seen a more original idea than this. I think it's awesome.
Very good. :)Waspship Down! LOL
Interesting thought. 'tis quite amazing how creative people can be when they get a small, simple thought going. 4/5
Good idea, but it could definately be expanded upon.
An interesting concept, reminds me in of Nim in a fashion. While not an extensive sun in itself, it opens the gateway to a great wealth of possibilities.