Ugg The Mentally Challanged
Need some extra muscle, Ugg might be your man - if you don't mind having to explain EVERYTHING to him
Very big, extremely strong, human (probably) but may be some ogre in his ancestry, male, age uncertain (he doesn't remember), normally carries a VERY big stick
Ugg is not the brightest of people - in fact he's very stupid (suggest lowest possible Int for a sentient creature). He is reputed to be the only person ever to be expelled from the militia for stupidity (couldn't get his head round the concept of marching). His idea of a clever battle plan is to hit somebody on the head with a big lump of wood.
Ugg is basically a mercenary (of sorts) and general strong-man, taking almost any job that requires lots of muscle and not much brainwork. He can be hired quite cheaply because shiny objects, like coins, tend to impress him. Most of his skill is in his 'natural talent' for hitting things.
Roleplaying Notes
Ugg can be an efficient and single-minded fighter but tends to ruin complex plans (he simple doesn't get the idea)
Ugg has long since forgotten his real name. Initially people started using 'Ugg' as a derogatory term because he says it a lot, and eventually it just stuck.
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? Responses (4)
This is a bit too cliche for my tastes. Aside from being stupid and having a penchant for hitting things with his stick, there isnt too much about Ugg to seperate him from the typical ogre/half ogre bashy type opponent. There could be some sort of foil, or counterpoint to his simple and brutal nature. Perhaps he is a collector of things, children's toys, pressed flowers, something very non-threatening. Perhaps he is greatly concerned about a particular person, or class of people's wellbeing? The first bit of inspiration I got from Ugg was Forrest Gump. Maybe that might help a bit.
Instinctively I'd like to try and defend him, but must agree - not one of my better ideas
Sorry guys - we all have off days
I'm afraid if this were one of mine, I'd either rework him or simply delete him.
This exact type has been done numerous times, and better.
Ugg punch things....I get it