Tobbacos, Ingridients and mind altering herbs.
Tobbacos, ingridients and mind altering herbs etc.
This is the place to gather different sorts of tobacco and mind altering herbs. They do not have to have magical qualities or have ultra strange effects to qualify but a good back story and general explanation helps.
Examples are;
-Herbs used in religous rituals, or rituals in general.
-Addictive drugs that are illegal.
-Magical plants could be used as secretions for different effects.
-Fungus, or poisons/drugs that sends warriors into a frenzy.
You get the idea. It could be anything from a simple type of tobacco they smoke down in the harbor district to something big and campaign setting like the holy weeds of the warrior god that has dark side effects.
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? Responses (8)
Okay! I like this even better than the plants!
5/5-but I wouldn't willingly take any of those drugs.
This is what all the other non codex-ed plant lifeforms is all about. A useful codex.
A nice codex. Added one fresh scroll of mind-altering substances.
Very interesting posts !
this is one way to present a list: you don't really love the table of contents till you have used a bad one, thank you sire