Human boy age 7, his hair is blonde and his eyes are brown. He always laughs and likes to play pranks (kind ones) on people he love. He doesn't care too much about his outwards appearance, much to his mother's distress. He can usually be found discussing politics with his elderly grandfather (and others), or playing hide and seek with his friends.

Thenadore is the fourth son of the town/village miller. Everyone talks about his mother in a reverent tone; apparently she was the town beauty in former days and her beauty is still recognizable, in spite of greying hair and wrinkles. She dotes on Thenadore, but is worried about him.

Thenadore was born on the night the great archmage Niluran died. The midwife found the dead old man in a ditch by the fields near the house, just as she left after the delivery. Unbeknownst to anyone, the mage watched the birth through the windows of the miller's home, and when Thenadore arrived his soul probed the young newborn for a shelter and a host in the years to come. Curious, the innocent soul of Thenadore accepted, and in the last seven years they have co-existed in a symbiotic and benevolent partnership.

The only two who have an inkling about this is Thenadore's teacher, Marcus the learned, and the boy's mother. Thenadore loves to quote the archmage Niluran when alone with Marcus, who was a former (failed) student of the mage. 'Marcus, young whippersnapper, forget your daydreams for a moment and concentrate on the matter at hand' Thenadore will taunt, much to the teacher's distress. As for his mother, she has spotted the young boy at play in his nursery, apparently addressing the empty air in conversation with himself. First he will ask a question just as an innocent and gullible seven year old would have This will be followed by an answer in the worldly wise and weary perspective of a kind old man. His mother is frightened but is unsure about what she should do. She is afraid what the Hexenjaegers (witch hunters) will do if they suspect something is amiss with lovely little Thenadore. Their asylums and exorcism by fire and hot iron are things she dread. Thus she can often be found running about town shouting 'Thenadore, Thenadore!' with a shaky, clearly nervous, voice. Thenadore will usually come running and then hug her adoringly.

Special Equipment

Roleplaying Notes
Thenadore is a small boy who always laugh and who is considered a child prodigy. He will help elderly ladies, tell polite and remarkably intelligent jokes and sometimes talk in academic terms with adults. But when the other children comes he runs away with them, shouting and giggling, with the profound joy only a child can show!

Play him as an active young boy, running around giggling and shouting. Then later he can be seen in a temperamental debate with the town elders. His voice is thin and he always smiles. He has been known to disappear for short periods of time, and at these moments he can be met in the forest gathering herbs or in the library studying old, dusty tomes.

Note: Soul shifting is extremely rare in my setting so most people won't understand the connection between Niluran and Thenadore

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