The sword has a brass hilt and a long iron blade. There is a beautiful green emerald in the hilt that when pressed activates a spell that makes attackers scared of the one who holds the sword.How scared they are depends on what the attackers are, how many they are and why they attacked the sword's owner in the first place.

So for example...

A dog that attacks will run away yelping. A would be mugger on his or her own would run as well. A gang of theives would not run away but would back off and give the sword's owner a chance of escape.

Should there be a good reason for the attack eg City Guards trying to arrest someone the spell will not work as well as it otherwise would. The more dangerous the attack eg a Greater Demon or Dragon, the weaker the spell will be, although it will allways have a slight effect, if only for a few seconds.

Those who use this weapon more then once will start to become cowardly. Long term use will in the end reduce the user to a quivering coward scared of almost everyone and everything, even harmless creatures like baby rabbits, and the luckless user will end up living alone in a cave.

It was made for King Coloman of the smallish kingdom of Colomansland. Colomansland was not a very impressive kingdom in size, and it's people knew that the bigger kingdoms around them would try and swallow them up. It had the advantage of being within a range of mountians which meant that access was through a couple of easily defended mountian passes.

Now King Coloman had a secret-he was a dreadful coward in battle and asked the noted sorceror Rhiengold to invent a magical weapon that would make others scared to fight him . The king knew that a cowardly monarch would soon be deposed by the Senate of the Kingdom.

The first time the King used his new sword it worked perfectly, the people who he charged at fled from his swinging blade which helped to win the battle for him and expand his very small kingdom from 40 miles across to 100 miles across in all directions.

As he continued to use it the magic bounced back upon him and his nearby Royal Guards, and it got to the point where he lost two battles in quick succession and was forced to flee from his kingdom after his Senate deposed him. Realizing the sword was causing the fear that he was suffering from, he left the sword outside the borders of his former kingdom, so that the enimies of the kingdom would suffer the same problems that he had suffered.

After a few weeks the sword was sold on the open market, with it's true magical powers hidden. Whoever has brought it has either sold it or dumped it within a few months, or have kept it until the owner has died from starvation and thirst, through being too scared to look for food and water.

Magical Properties:

This weapon has a Fear Spell cast upon it that is triggered by pressing a jewel in the hilt. The first time the spell is used it has no affect on the weapon's owner. Subsequent use will cause a boomarang effect on the owner that grows greater each time the spell is cast.The more scared the owner of the sword is, the more he or she will be tempted to cast the spell, causing a circle of fear causing more fear.Although not Cursed as such, the weapon is unintentionly cursed.

Should the jewel be pulled from the sword and crushed underfoot the magic will vanish.Should the jewel be left in the street, the result will be a jewel that casts a Fear Spell on anything or anyone that picks it up, until it is dropped again, in which case the Fear Spell fades away five minites later.

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