Full Item Description

The Suit of Purity is a suit of white plate armour,slightly warm to the touch, which radiates a feeling of holiness and goodness. Those who don it feel that they can accomplish anything that they put their minds to.


In the Old Times when Vallermoore was run by the Kings of old rather then the Queens, King Richard decided that a suit of armour should be made with the ability to detect evil and evil beings, and the details were left to the Royal Chancellor, Nemaroth. No expense was spared in making the armour, although critics of the king privatly thought that the expense could be far better spent on helping the hungry and poor.

The armour itself was made of the finest Dracorex Steelbut unknown to the king, Nemaroth was a traitor and a member of The Children of Ma-O and had decided to sabotage the armour before it was made. He did so by ensuring that a thin layer of pure white Demon Jade was placed over the armour. Although the court mages cast an intricate spell to detect evil over the armour, a spell that worked well despite the proximity of the Demon Jade, the long term wearing of it gradually warped the King.

He had allways been religious, but now he began to ruthlessly persecute the other faiths in his territory, sending their priests and priestesses to burn at the stake.
Where before he had taken good care of his nation's finances, now he became greedy and mean, tripling the taxes whilst at the same time withdrawing services from the people, and ordering people that he had known and trusted for years to the block for suspected plots against his rule.

Finally a young guardsman, who's brother, a cook, had been boiled alive in a cooking pot on the King's orders,got his revenge by slicing the king's throat from behind. He had not been in close proximity to the king before his act of assassination, thus excaping detection by the armour until it was too late.

He was executed on the spot of course, for regicide even of a deeply unpopular king could not be allowed to go unpunished, but he was spared torture and his family was not harmed. The king was buried wearing the armour, and if it has not allready been stolen by grave robbers, then it lies in the royal barrow to this day.

Magic/Cursed Properties

The wearer of the suit can detect both evil in general and bad thoughts about the wearer, but it only picks up bad thoughts when the person or animal thinking them is within a few feet of the wearer. In addition, the guauntlets can cast small fireballs when a symbol of them is touched, fireballs hot enough to melt chainmail. The downside of this is that after more then one or two fireballs per day have been cast, the gauntlets have to be soaked in ice, snow or cold water to cool them down, or they rapidly become too hot to touch, and stay that way for several hours.

Because of the Demon Jade on the armour's surface, over time (within a few hours to a few weeks depending on how committed to the cause of Good the wearer is) it slowly turns the wearer's virtues to vices. Paludins, for example, become religious bigots intolarant of all other religions, the frugal become mean, the dedicated become single minded and end up seeing evil in everything.

Finally, the suit is enchanted to be as light as thick chainmail, despite being plate armour.

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