“ The creatures in this dungeon will not become hostile so long as you do not cause any trouble inside. If you provoke them though, you aggro the whole dungeon. If the players are smart, they can complete the dungeon crawl without having to fight anything.”
“ The wind Elementals write prayers on cloth and tie them to trees and bushes. The entrance to most temples will be through a large courtyard of trees with white clothes with writing on them flowing in the wind in the hopes that the wind elementals will see them and answer them.”
“ You type the command into the console. 'Insufficient Guineapigs' the computer responds. Baffled, you retype the command. 'Insufficient Guineapigs' the computer replies again. You decide you should start smaller, with a simpler command. 'Insufficient Guineapigs'
What does cycling the spaceship's airlock have to do with a now-extinct Peruvian rodent?”