The Place of Holding
The People of Antioch are pretty forgiving. However, when their laws are transgressed, you really do not want to be the person who is caught.
The Place of Holding in Antioch is fairly basic. It utilizes three good sized pits left over from the days of mining star stones. These 'pits' have been finished with a cladding of stone upon the walls, floor, and even ceiling. There is a slow trickle down one of the walls in all the pits. The trickle then slides around a gutter along the walls as basic sanitation. There is a small grate drop in the floor leading a quite aromatic cess pool. The grate drop is only three inches wide. Even if you went down it, it only leads to the three other holding cells. The only light is the spill over from lights in the room above through the grate.
Prisoners are lowered down into the pits from a grated opening in the 'ceiling' of the pits. Food, flat bread mostly, is dropped down the grate once a day. Any challenge to the removal or insertion of prisoners, or interference with the gate, is an automatic death sentence via guard crossbow. The conditions are horrible, but the stays are short. Prisoners stay in these lovely accommodations for up to thirty six weeks.
Occasionally gangs will form up, hording the food or the water services. That simply adds to the 'charm' of The Place.
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? Responses (5)
This must be a place where prisoners wait for their trials.
They stay here after trials. In most cases, trials occur within a day or so, where people are held in the Hall of Justice in large locked rooms, awaiting their sentencing. In most cases, given the general ineffiency of law enforcement, if they caught you, they have you dead to rights.
If there is an investigation, and you are a suspect, you are not allowed to leave the city. Caught trying to leave the city is automatic guilt and the death penalty. Anyone found helping you either gets your original sentence or is executed, depending if it is willful or not.
If you are called to the Hall of Justice, and refuse to come to trial, anyone giving you support or comfort is given the same sentence or executed, depending if it was willful or not. It tends to make sure people turn you over.
We should have those sort of laws here.
Do you trust your government that much? How many wrongful convictions are there a year. Be careful what you ask for....
An okay sub.